Sunday, July 17, 2011

Caruba's Crystal Ball: 2012 Election Predictions

By Alan Caruba

It is time my friends to take my crystal ball out of its velvet-lined box, dust it off, and prognosticate. I have gazed deeply into its refracted light regarding the November 2012 elections and the Republican candidates. Here is what it tells me.

Texas Governor Rick Perry will be an August entry into the field of candidates and just blow everyone else out of the race. He has a hell of a track record in the Lone Star state where he became the first governor since WWII to reduce spending using a line item veto to scrub $3 billion from the budget. He has done many other things that conservatives just love and independent voters, shell-shot from Obama’s crazed assault on America, will support. He has never lost an election!

Gov. Mitt Romney is Mr. Flippity-Floppity; a political disaster waiting to happen. His poll rankings are due mostly to name recognition. John McCain beat him out for the nomination last time around and these two RINOs should taking up quilting or some hobby other than politics.

Rep. Michelle Bachman is the Tea Party flavor of the month, but will generate little fervor beyond the patriot legions. My crystal ball says America is not ready for a woman president and that includes Sarah Palin who, in case no one has noticed, is not running. If that makes me sexist, then so be it.

Gov. Tim Pawlenty is toast after the Iowa primaries which will tilt heavily toward Ms. Bachman because she was born there and because Iowans love mavericks. Pawlenty is just too “nice” at a time when voters want a candidate who exudes a more aggressive persona.

Rep. Rick Santorum or as we say around here, “Rick Who?” has no traction at all. He will be gone by Iowa and New Hampshire.

Herman Cain has personality to spare, but after four years of Obama, many voters are going to be wary of voting another Black American into the Oval Office. (I would vote for Rep. Allen West in a heartbeat.) Meanwhile, Cain will be offered the job of Secretary of Commerce in the Perry administration.

Rep. Ron Paul will be remembered as the Harold Stassen of this generation of voters. The original Stassen ran for the GOP nomination for president eight (8) times between 1946 and 1992! A Libertarian, Paul has a few good ideas and a lot of bad ones. On television he comes across as everyone’s angry grandpa.

Newt Gingrich, former Speaker of the House, was deserted by virtually his entire campaign staff weeks ago. He needs to officially retire from the race and go back to doing commentary for Fox News. Even Mike Huckabee had the good sense to stay put there.

Lastly, there’s some guy called Jon Huntsman who nobody has ever heard of except the immediate members of his family. He was Obama’s ambassador to China. No need to say anything more about Jon.

For those who actually think Obama will be reelected, relax. He’s already political road kill even though he will get the Democrat nomination.

Obama’s lost his mojo. Lots of people have someone like him in their family and, as often as not, they’re a crack addict, a mental case. The aura of the office and all its trappings will do nothing for this moron. He will do worse than George McGovern did in 1972 against Richard Nixon or Walter Mondale in 1984 against a former California Governor named Ronald Reagan.

And, yes, there are a lot of GOP candidates. By contrast the Communist Democratic People’s Party has only one.

© Alan Caruba, 2011


  1. What do you mean Obama will be re-nominated? He's going to resign before the election according to you, remember?

  2. AD: But I didn't say WHEN he would resign....

    Seriously, AD, you are not welcome here on my blog and all further comments will be deleted.

    To put it another way, GO AWAY.

  3. Texas Governor Rick Perry walks the talk, and means business. He may very well be what America needs as far as a President is concerned. I would vote for him.

  4. Don't be jealous because AD is smarter than you. You blog so people can read it, if you didn't want people to read and criticize you would keep in off the internet. Besides your predictions are accurate save Obama's got it, unless by miracle Ron Paul is his opposition.

  5. @BC,
    AD is not smarter than me and I suspect that BC and AD are one and the same.

    I am not a great fan of snarky people. Watch your step "BC"

  6. I have printed this out and it will be saved with my archives of National Enquirer.

  7. *snark snark snark*

    Anyway, back to the topic at hand, Obama WILL be renominated, the Dems are that damned STOOPID...

    Will Perry run? I don't know, but I sure hope so, but as of right now he reminds me of Fred Thompson, talking a lot, testing the waters and garnering a bit of attention, but so far, Perry hasn't jumped in...

    I'll support him if he does but it's time to fish or cut bait...

  8. Boy, the trolls are restless aren't they Alan? They've been popping up on every blog I read with a plethora of rude, snide comments. They are clearly disturbed by events of late, and their disappointment with their Messiah is obvious. Obama must be freeing up some of that stimulus money he's been holding back. I don't know if I can believe him, but one troll told me he's getting $20 per post ...

  9. I think you're spot on Alan. Perry will take the GOP nomination. Although many people consider him a RINO, I think he's the best that the GOP can hope for this time around. He can't do worse than Obama!

  10. Thank you Mr Caruba!!
    From your mouth to God's ear!!!
    Don't mind AD..
    ... people like him are using insults, swearing and name calling in situations they have nothing else to say!!!
    but I must tell you:
    obama-and-thugs are giving me nightmares...
    there is something about the TRAITOR-in-chief that gives me stomach knots...
    ...there is no doubt, I could throw him much farther than I can trust him...
    he is one ....blank...blank...blank...blank...blank....blank....
    his approved rating of approx 45% makes me sick!!!
    ...come to think about it....
    nothing clears mind quicker than empty pockets!!!!
    maybe that is what AMERICANS need!!!???

  11. Your prognostications are right on the bulls-eye, Alan. It's the grown-up perspective. It's a little like reading the stock market on a bad day. A spoon full of sugar makes the medicine go down. What about Perry/Palin... You think she'd go for it? Just asking..... And thanks for leaving The Donald out of the equation.

  12. @Travis: I doubt Palin will run. She was savaged during and after the 2008 campaign. Why would anyone put themselves through that again?

  13. :)
    I know I am a single a way...
    but I hope Ms Palin would run....
    and I tell you why...
    she is already "cleansed" candidate...
    the MSM can not use any more dirt than they already did, taking her and her family through hell and back...few times over!!!!....
    and she in reverse took the MEDIA for a wild chase.....

    ...she is a PATRIOT!!!!! she is fighting for AMERICANS!!!!!
    she does have her son in Military (Iraq)...
    she is taking the MSM attacs with a gracious rebound....
    yeah...maybe she is not the smartest and most educated....but ...
    compare to WHOM???!!!!

    personally?...I think Perry/Palin ticket would be something to reckon with....

  14. "Alan Caruba said...
    @Travis: I doubt Palin will run. She was savaged during and after the 2008 campaign. Why would anyone put themselves through that again?"

    Because it gets her MEDIA ATTENTION... Drama Queens crave the limelight, and Palin is the Drama Queen from HELL!

  15. Mr. Caruba, You could not be more accurate in your crystal ball predictions. I am a female and I don't believe our country is ready for any more "firsts' right now. Maybe later.
    I too would vote for Allen West in a minute. He will be our next Ronald Reagan, but better!

  16. I think Gov. Palin is going to run. I could be wrong but you could be wrong too. It does look like Perry will jump in.

    Texas Fred might not like name calling for his favorite candidate-he should show some maturity when engaging in the juvenile behavior for someone else's favorite like Palin.

  17. @Widuej
    A word to the wise. TexasFred has done more living in more serious roles in his life than you ever will. He speaks his mind with gusto, enthusiasm, and experience. I respect his views even when I occasionally disagree with him.

  18. Rick Perry was the chairman of Al Gore's Texas campaign for Pres. against Clinton in 1992.

    Wasn't he the guy who made taking vaccinations mandatory for a bunch of middle-school girls?

    And he was gung-ho about the Trans-America Highway.

    Doesn't sound like your regular Small Government Conservative to me.

    Maybe he should live up to his pledge and remain Governor until 2014 so he can preside over the making of more jobs in Texas.


  19. I have lived in Texas for over 73 years. Many of you have a misconception of Rick Perry.... I for one hope he just cuts bait!
