Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Welcome New "Followers"

Just a word to say "Welcome!" to those who have signed on as "Followers" of this blog. And thanks to those that joined earlier.

Every writer wonders if there's really anyone "out there" reading his work, but you folks confirm that there is. That's a great feeling.

And the best part is that it is a two-way conversation.


  1. Thank you Allen for making me sane everyday-you are my therapy! When all my friends are "lefty left" I need some sanity. It is scary for me to sign up to blog, as I firmly believe we could be "profiled". I wonder at what point everyone will wake up and see this slippery slope we already on.
    Trying to silence conservatives, nationalizing everything important, this global warming Ponzi scheme, BHO pres for life?
    I am ready to "Galt".
    Thank you again Allen!

  2. Can you keep a secret? This blog is MY therapy, too! ;-)
