Thursday, October 15, 2009

The "Trout Wrapper" Returns

By Alan Caruba

I want you to visit the revived website of the Trout Wrapper, the most drop-dead, funny writing to be found anywhere on the Web.

I have known its publisher, editor, chief writer, and owner of Boris the blind Malamute, Ron W. Marr for many years and was a contributor to the original Wrapper when it was a monthly newspaper that gained a wide circulation of readers, accolades in Playboy magazine, and elsewhere.

When you're through reading it, I want you to subscribe. It is a mere $30 a year, but it will help pay the mortgage on Ron's cabin in the woods of Missouri and feed both himself and Boris. Since he is a national treasure and the reincarnation of the spirit of Mark Twain, the investment will be worth it. Anybody who just reads it for free is not doing their part to keep America a nation where we are still free to speak truth to power.

You will discover its Horror Scopes, a version of astrology that can be found no where else and which suggests that being born between January and December is filled with the many miseries of just being alive. Other elements of the Wrapper are equally entertaining. Just reading The Marr Side will renew your faith in the American tradition of questioning authority wherever it rears its ugly head.

America has the Comedy Channel and many truly awful films passing themselves off as comedies, but real humor, splendid satire, is a rare and wonderful thing.

I promise you that bookmarking will guarantee a much-need jolt of laughter each time you visit.


  1. The Trout Wrapper is funny.Thank you Alan.

  2. My pleasure, gentlemen. Delighted to hear that Buzzg is a new subscriber (Boris thanks you) and that you will be getting in touch with your "inner hillbilly" again.
