Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

Try not to think about Harry Reid, Obamacare, or the nation's problems for a day. Instead, think of its great heritage of freedom and rededicate yourself to restoring it.


  1. I'm not thinking about all those things Alan. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. At 71, I'm a grandfather again. Amazing!!

  2. Well, that's great news! My best to the entire family.

  3. What a blessing you are, Alan, to all of your readers. I appreciate your wisdom and fearless commentaries. I wish you and those you love a Happy Thanksgiving!

    Louise in MO

  4. have you seen this video/ very very informative

  5. May your stuffing be tasty,
    may your turkey be plump.

    May your taters and gravy
    have nary a lump.

    May your yams be delicious,
    and your pies take the prize,

    And may your Thanksgiving dinner
    stay off of your thighs!

    Happy Thanksgiving!!

  6. Thank you, Fred. I had a Texas-size heaping of everything and will have to forego eating for a couple of days!

    I passed on your invitation earlier, but I don't join anything these days. I appreciated the invite though.
