Monday, April 19, 2010

Modern Fairy Tales


  1. Obama still believes that Americans are going to accept his takeover of America and not fight back.

    All I can say is that if we don't, we don't deserve what America once was. We will have earned our slavery.

  2. You've got that right Human ...

    Continued complacency will destroy us, and will leave us with nobody to blame but ourselves. My feelings of anger and distrust toward our government began with their mis-management of our Social Security funds, and have grown with each and every lie they tell us. The list of those lies grows daily, begging for some sort of challenge on our part, but somehow our complacency persists....

    I just keep wondering when people are going to wake up and realize that our government is STEALING from us, boldly, and with arrogant indifference. Any other entity that embezzled money from the people on the scale we're seeing in our Social Security system would be swiftly prosecuted and jailed, but not our government officials.

    Our government officials, arrogant bastards that they are, started calling Social Security a tax years ago, hoping we'd forget whose money it really is. Sadly, the vast majority of us have done just that. Most people have no idea just how much of our money they've taken, and have no expectation that we'll ever get it back. I'd bet that most people don't even know that their employers have been MATCHING their contributions. Now, the plan is to increase the take by making our investment income subject to Social Security "tax". The scale of this theft is absolutely enormous ...

    Our government officials have become so confident in our complacency that they send us an annual letter detailing exactly how much they've stolen from us, and stating, matter-of-factly, that we'll probably never see it again. They do this with casual indifference, as if we'll never have the guts to ask what happened to our money, regardless of how much they steal.

    Meanwhile, to add insult to injury, we have Obama telling us he's "amused" by our dissent, and that we should just pipe down and be thankful for what they're doing to us. In a recent Opinion piece for AOL, flaming Liberal Alan Colmes essentially said we should be willing to pay whatever they tell us to pay and shut up, or be excluded from receiving the few services we actually depend on our government for.

    If we allow this to continue, we're finished as a free society, but sadly, I fear it may already too late to do anything to stop it....

  3. You've got that right Human ...

    Continued complacency will destroy us, and will leave us with nobody to blame but ourselves. My feelings of anger and distrust toward our government began with their mis-management of our Social Security funds, and have grown with each and every lie they tell us. The list of those lies grows daily, begging for some sort of challenge on our part, but somehow our complacency persists....

    I just keep wondering when people are going to wake up and realize that our government is STEALING from us, boldly, and with arrogant indifference. Any other entity that embezzled money from the people on the scale we're seeing in our Social Security system would be swiftly prosecuted and jailed, but not our government officials.

    Our government officials, arrogant bastards that they are, started calling Social Security a tax years ago, hoping we'd forget whose money it really is. Sadly, the vast majority of us have done just that. Most people have no idea just how much of our money they've taken, and have no expectation that we'll ever get it back. I'd bet that most people don't even know that their employers have been MATCHING their contributions. Now, the plan is to increase the take by making our investment income subject to Social Security "tax". The scale of this theft is absolutely enormous ...

    Our government officials have become so confident in our complacency that they send us an annual letter detailing exactly how much they've stolen from us, and stating, matter-of-factly, that we'll probably never see it again. They do this with casual indifference, as if we'll never have the guts to ask what happened to our money, regardless of how much they steal.

    Meanwhile, to add insult to injury, we have Obama telling us he's "amused" by our dissent, and that we should just pipe down and be thankful for what they're doing to us. In a recent Opinion piece for AOL, flaming Liberal Alan Colmes essentially said we should be willing to pay whatever they tell us to pay and shut up, or be excluded from receiving the few services we actually depend on our government for.

    If we allow this to continue, we're finished as a free society, but sadly, I fear it may already too late to do anything to stop it....

  4. Dwayne likely believes in a lot more than social security - most of his core beliefs that form his world view can probably be shown not only to be wrong, but flat out laughably ridiculous.

    Examples: Global Warming, Two separate political party system (really both wings of the same bird), Money is real (actually a debt), 9/11 was done by Muslims (almost no one believes this now), Courts are fair (courts are "equity" and "administrative" not courts of justice), Constitution matters (country went bankrupt long time ago and is now operated by ch 11 creditors), mainstream media truth, Fluoride in drinking water is good for your teeth, Aspertame ("natural flavoring" now) is safe, The government loves us.

  5. There is one very simple plan B: their regime will end when they run out of wealth to steal and victims to sacrifice.

    The "interesting" thing is that if the government keeps growing and continues to become more intrusive, we won't be able to be productive and we certainly won't be able to innovate in response to changing circumstances. At best, we will be restricted to clawing a subsistence from the earth. Hence, to implement the plan B, all we have to do is nothing.

    A modified plan B would be based upon the following. If you don't have it, they can't steal it. If you don't produce it, they can't tax it. In other words, have and produce only what you need to survive. Make yourself socially invisible. Don't stand out.

    Our plan A is vote the bastards out and then repeal the abject stupidity they are cramming down our throats. Their plan A is to steal our votes and continue the cramming.

    We have one huge factor on our side: reality. In the long run that will be enough. Surviving the short run is the challenge.
