Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Post Removed for Inaccuracy

A post regarding the issuance of a U.S. coin has been removed when visitors pointed out that it was inaccurate. My thanks to all those who took the time to call this to my attention.


  1. I would not have called it totally inaccurate. The fact was that by you posting that article I discovered that they moved the words to the edge of the coin. I had to follow up on this situation...

    I still call that removing them. No one will see them easily and what you said was in reality correct.

    Just rethink what you said and you will realize that hiding the words on the edge is actually a worse issue than removing the words. I say that they are testing the waters...

    From an avid reader!

    Kyle Keeton

  2. Thank you. There is a reason the URL for Warning Signs is "Facts Not Fantasy" and that is because, when inaccurate or even partially inaccurate information sneaks in, it is removed. This happens very rarely, but relects my personal committment to the truth.

    I agree that "hiding" In God We Trust is unacceptable.

  3. When I saw your post, I thought I remembered seeing something about that new coin on snopes, but I figured if you were wrong, you'd correct yourself, and I was right.

    Regardless, the moving of the words "in God we trust" to the edge of the coin is probably worse than removing it entirely. Here's my reasoning ....

    What is the first part of a coin to typically wear down? Answer: The edges wear down way before the rest of the coin due to all the mechanical devices that process coins, such as vending machines and the counting devices banks use.

    So, we can expect those words to be the first thing to erode on these coins. Could this be intentional? If it isn't, it's certainly rather ironic given the erosion of religion and faith in our society ...

    I'd almost rather they just take it of, then have to watch it slowly erode, and be reminded of what's happening to our society every day. Just my opinion ...
