Thursday, June 3, 2010

Bragging Time

For those who follow this blog, I know you will be as pleased as I was to learn that my commentary on the separation of Al Gore and his wife Tipper was the lead item in Jennifer Harper's "Inside the Beltway" column, June 2nd, in the Washington Times.

The Times is the conservative rival of The Washington Post in Washington, D.C. and, like many dailies, is struggling to survive. I hope it makes it.


  1. Nice going, Alan!

    I notice you have a following of 383 blogs.

    This is the New Media rising - complete with "Warning Signs."

    --Cheers, Ronbo

  2. Thanks, Ronbo. And thanks for posting my writings on your site as well.

  3. Thanks for allowing me to post them on my blog!

    I am always amazed how you take apart complex issues to print the nuggets of truth in a few short paragraphs.

    Keep up the good work! Like many others I look forward to reading your excellent analysis of the news.

    Cheers, Ronbo
