Monday, November 22, 2010

NJ Gov. Christie for President!

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  1. Aww man, that's really funny Uncle Alan. I really like Gov Christie. He just gets better and better.
    Thanks for the link.

  2. Alan, you're the last person I would have expected to support a pro-cap-and-trade Republican like Christie for president. Please help us get pressure on him to repeal the state cap-and-trade law, instead of using the auction revenue to build a massive array of windmills in the ocean as he presently plans. See

  3. Ah, The Great Christie plays the role as America's newest, greatest "SAVIOUR SUPREME!" Perhaps if elected, he could also do part time gigs in Vegas as a stand-up comedian, or better yet host SNL weekly from the West Wing? You know man, like in between wars and peace talks with Islamic Terrorists who are neither peaceful nor want peace anywhere, not even in their own tents and mud huts.
    1. First Alan, I find it impossible to believe that a politician from New Jersey does not have enough shady dealings in their past to preclude him (her) as a viable candidate for a national office of any kind, let alone President. Remember, Republicans must play by the rules while the Marxist's can elect non citizens and allow con artists like Charlie the Wrangler to steal untold vast amounts of money with just a slap on the wrist...
    2. Hate to pop your bubble Alan, but there will be no National elections in the USA in 2012. Martial Law has already been quietly declared in the back room of the White House by our present Presidential pretender puppet and George Soros with the plans all laid out for a great National calamity of unprecedented nature which will necessitate our great Marxist leader of real change; Obamimam and his henchmen demanding a complete Military take over of the USA using any and all forces necessary and available...and the castrated sheep clinging to their guns and bibles will dare not say a word or fire a shot....see how easy that was? Kinda like a TSA sexual pervert/pedophile slipping his hand between your grandchilds legs...yep, change you can believe in...and the castrated sheep are already happily lining up at the nation's airports to be fondled and radiated for the Thanksgiving rush...thankful for the change Obama has implemented, while at the same time Muslim's are demanding special considerations and no pat downs...when all that was really necessary to solve this issue was a little common sense every Muslim and person of Islamic faith please step out of line and follow the yellow lines...This is all just one more tragic example of our Government gone completely MAD and raping the public....
    Maybe Christie has a joke or two about the little old nuns that were strip searched the other day or the flight attendant that had to remove her prosthetic breast or the man who was forced to urinate all over himself because the TSA employee was so retarded he did not understand what the passenger was telling him about his bladder cancer...I have vowed to never fly again...piss on the TSA and the airlines industry that have allowed this to happen in the name of Political correctness..I repeat>>>all Muslims please follow the SPECIAL YELLOW LINES marked with a crescent and sword for the special perks you have prayed for and deserve...

  4. @Phil: Christie is not perfect and, yes, he signed off on an ocean sited wind farm. I criticized him in a post for doing so.

    I am not aware that he supports cap-and-trade, but if he does I would welcome some data regarding it.

  5. @Pitch: I don't know what you're smoking but there will be 2012 elections because there are too many Americans that would protest such a move.

    A soon to be posted commentary of mine, however, notes Obama's totalitarian tendencies.

    As for Christie, he was a US District Attorney for many years with a record of putting dirty politicians in jail. That accounts in large part for his election.

    Your facts do not match your fantasies.

  6. WNYC on Christie:
    Now, Tea Party activists based in New Jersey are taking aim at this existing northeast cap and trade program. They're calling on New Jersey Gov.Chris Christie to withdraw the state from the program. Christie is on record as a strong supporter of cap-and-trade.

  7. @Phil: It is disturbing to learn that Gov. Christie supports Cap-and-Trade. Since the bill is dead in the US Senate, perhaps he will change his mind at some point.
