Sunday, January 30, 2011

Bookviews - February Edition Posted

For followers of this blog who love to read, the February edition of my monthly report on new non-fiction and fiction titles, Bookviews, has been posted.

It is filled with news of some excellent books on science, history, health and wellness, books for younger readers, and notice taken of some interesting and entertaining new novels.

Share news of this with friends and family, any one of whom is likely to find just the right book about something of interest to them.


  1. Hi Alan, I always enjoy your book reviews.

    Recently I came across details of a soon to be published British children's book aimed at 9-12 year olds: "My Sister Lives on the Mantelpiece."

    The book is a sign of the times and an example of how much the world has changed in recent decades.

    In the story, the ten (yes, 10) year old protaganist's sister has been killed in a London bombing by Islamic terrorists.

    Whatever happened to Enid Blyton!

    Regards, Lee

  2. Thanks, Lee. That book sounds quite timely.
