Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Al Gore's Incredibly Shrinking Credibility

By Alan Caruba

In 1992 who said: “But the theory of global warming will not be disproved, and the skeptics are vastly outnumbered by former skeptics who now accept the overwhelming weight of accumulated evidence.”

Writing about automobiles, who said, “We now know that their cumulative impact on the global environment is posing a mortal threat to the security of every nation that is more deadly than that of any military enemy we are ever again likely to confront…it ought to be possible to establish a coordinated global program to accomplish the strategic goal of completely eliminating the internal combustion engine over, say, a twenty-five-year period.”

No, it is not President Barack Obama who rescued General Motors from bankruptcy in order to require that it begin building obscenely expensive electric cars that will get you anywhere you want to go so long it’s not farther away than forty miles.

It is, of course, Al Gore and you can read more of his insane ravings in “Earth in the Balance”, published initially just prior to serving as the 45th Vice President of the United States during Bill Clinton’s two terms from 1993 to 2001. In 2000 he was the Democratic Party candidate for President, losing to George W. Bush after an election so close the Supreme Court had to make the final call.

After his defeat, Al Gore apparently decided that, if he could not be President, he could at least become obscenely wealthy by co-founding and becoming chairman of Generation Investment Management, focusing on “sustainable investing.” He co-founded and became chairman of Current TV, a cable and satellite television network “for young people based on viewer-created content and citizen journalism.” Current just hired Keith Olbermann, formerly of MSNBC.

He found time to write “An Inconvenient Truth” about global warming and to star in an Oscar-winning documentary. The book was published in 2006 and The New York Times proclaimed that “Al Gore revisits global warming, with passionate warnings and pictures.” This was followed by a 2007 Nobel Peace Prize shared with the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

In late 2009 the wheels began to come off of Al Gore's and the IPCC hoax when thousands of emails between the key perpetrators of its rigged computer climate models were posted to the Internet. Everyone could learn about the conspiracy of lies that were the foundation of global warming.

Plans to impose a massive energy tax known as Cap-and-Trade began to falter. A 2009 United Nations Conference of Parties in Copenhagen resembled a rout as delegates struggled to leave town as a blizzard descended. A 2010 conference in Cancun was mocked as an excuse for UN toadies to dance until dawn and dine like royalty.

In June 2010, Gore and Tipper, his high school sweetheart and wife of 40 years, announced their separation. That same month, Gore paid $8,875,000 for an ocean view villa in Montecito, California. His Nashville mansion burned enough electricity to keep the lights on in several small Tennessee towns.

Today, Al Gore and global warming are synonymous with hypocrisy and deceit on a global scale.

With the advent of record-setting low temperatures and blizzards bringing U.S. cities to a standstill, Gore has been telling anyone who would listen that the cold and snow was the result of—you guessed it—global warming.

On January 31st, noted meteorologist, Dr. Roy W. Spencer, blogged that “No serious climate researcher—including the ones I disagree with believes global warming can cause colder weather unless they have become delusional as a result of some sort of mental illness.”

On February 3rd, Investor’s Business Daily editorialized about “Gore’s Unending Blizzard of Lies.” The same day in Forbes Magazine, Larry Bell, the author of “Climate of Corruption: Politics and Power Behind the Global Warming Hoax”, said of Gore that “no one has done more to melt down complacent minds with stoked-up claims of fossil-fueled climate peril.”

Behind the global warming hoax was the scheme to put a price on a tiny element (0.0389%) of the Earth’s atmosphere, Carbon Dioxide, that could then be bartered like a commodity as “carbon credits.”

It never had anything to do with climate.

It was Gore, speaking before a 2007 U.S. Joint House Energy and Science Committee, who said, “As soon as carbon has a price, you’re going to see a wave of investment in it.” It was P.T. Barnum who said, “There’s a sucker born every minute.”

It was always about the money. If it took a global hoax, a fraud perpetrated by the United Nations’ IPCC and given the complete support of the mainstream media, so be it.

My question is this: If the government could bring Bernie Madoff to justice for perpetrating a $50 billion Ponzi scheme, why has Al Gore been given a pass for being the face and voice of the global warming fraud and, by extension, the exchanges established to buy and sell worthless carbon credits? Isn't lying under oath to Congress a crime?

My other question is this: Why is any legitimate news organization still quoting him as if there is a scintilla of truth to his pronouncements about global warming?

Finally, at what point does Gore so completely disgrace himself that no one on planet Earth will believe anything he says?

© Alan Caruba, 2011


  1. Shrinking credibility? Well, COLD does tend to shrink things....

    But, then again, he never had ANY credibility with anyone that had critical thinking skills.

  2. The "climate scientists" had me fooled for a long time. They used the scientific method, knew some radiation physics and thermodynamics and published scientific papers in the ubiquitously incestuous scientific Journals. Their papers seemed credible.
    Then I picked up the AR3 version of the IPCC report. The first thing that struck me as being weird was Mann's "Hockey Stick". I simply could not get exited about whether we had a 0.6C or a 0.8C increase in temperature in the last century.

    Fritz Feb7, 2011 follows----
    Maybe most climate scientists think they are engaged in a noble endeavour. They definitely know that their personal expertise does not extend to the physics of how the CO2 blanket keeps us warmer than we would be if the CO2 concentration was lower by a specific amount. These climate scientists must actually believe that some of the other 2500 members of the IPCC are authorities on radiation physics and thermodynamics. They trust that their colleagues equations and numbers are rock solid. I DO NOT.

  3. The "climate scientists" had me fooled for a long time. They used the scientific method, knew some radiation physics and thermodynamics and published scientific papers in the ubiquitously incestuous scientific Journals. Their papers seemed credible.
    Then I picked up the AR3 version of the IPCC report. The first thing that struck me as being weird was Mann's "Hockey Stick". I simply could not get exited about whether we had a 0.6C or a 0.8C increase in temperature in the last century.

    Fritz Feb7, 2011 follows----
    Maybe most climate scientists think they are engaged in a noble endeavour. They definitely know that their personal expertise does not extend to the physics of how the CO2 blanket keeps us warmer than we would be if the CO2 concentration was lower by a specific amount. These climate scientists must actually believe that some of the other 2500 members of the IPCC are authorities on radiation physics and thermodynamics. They trust that their colleagues equations and numbers are rock solid. I DO NOT.

  4. @Alan:

    I think future generations will shake their heads and marvel that snake oil like "Global Warming" was ever purchased by the public, just like students of my day laughed about the Catholic Church once selling "tickets to heaven" and so called intellectuals of the Middle Ages saying the world was flat.

  5. runnAlan,

    Great article! The High Priest of the Church of the Warming Globe has long gone past that point of believability to those who are sane, informed and think in a logical rational manner. Only those who are irrational, delusional and misanthropic believe anything that comes out of his mouth; which sounds like the perfect description of a greenie.

    As Viv Forbes has said; “The public has been misled on this issue by an unholy alliance of environmental scaremongers, funds-seeking academics, sensation-seeking media, vote-seeking politicians and profit-seeking vested interests.”

    But the public is aware now and it isn’t going so well any longer for these charlatans.

    Rich K.

  6. ..precisely Mr. Alan, precisely!!

  7. I’m sure many here know exactly why individuals like Albert Gore can drone on and on about utter nonsense like global warming or its new incarnation “climate change, but I’ll throw in my two cents anyway.
    That said; how does Al Gore get away with claiming that global warming causes blizzards and frigid temperatures?
    1) Most people in the US and elsewhere are woefully ignorant and poorly educated, especially with regard to history and the hard sciences. Such individuals instead devote their attention to sports figures, Hollywood and the exploits of famous vacuous morons, possibly as a method of living vicariously through them. Pathetic, yes, but that’s the way it is, just look at your neighbors for proof of this assertion.
    2) Ignorant people are gullible people, easily controlled by those having an agenda, for good or ill. Having no ability to comprehend contradictory or even obtuse claims, they are easily manipulated by those “leaders” constantly presented to them via the media, like Al Gore, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, etc. In a sense, they and their facilitators actually control the media, and therefore control what many people think, in a fashion similar to that illustrated by Orwell's book, 1984.
    3) Al Gore, though he is a disgusting, hypocritical charlatan who would make Elmer Gantry blush, is a very wealthy, intelligent and cunning man. This man has an agenda – making himself richer from his contrived “global warming” scheme. Don’t underestimate this amoral joker; he realizes brain-dead fools, i.e., the dimwitted American public, will easily fall for his fine-tuned, constantly repeated, pseudoscientific brand of Goebbelsian rhetoric. A blizzard could hit Miami Beach and Gore’s cadre of brainwashed automations would still regurgitate his ridiculous lies - while being buried in snowdrifts.
    It is sad when one realizes the amount of useful information available to anyone via computer at the simple press of a button, ignored by the vast majority of the population. Rather than using computers to enlighten their minds, most use them to play idiotic games, view pornography, or to peruse the idiotic exploits of the latest media generated slut, drugged-out actor, or other such irrelevant human flotsam.

  8. Al Gore just 20 years ago on the Larry King show said that "free trade" would be double plus good for America. We see how that worked out. The only people it was "good" for was the Oligarchs who now make BILLIONS off of the 3rd worlders working for a dollar a day(jobs Americans used to do). He had no credibility after that, so why anyone listens to him now is a mystery to me.

  9. Most really good lies contain some small element of truth. It is that little hint of truth that good liars use to fool the unsuspecting, and give their lies credibility.

    Unfortunately, despite the Ten Commandments, lies and deception are an acceptable methodology in many cultures, and have recently become an acceptable means to an end, even in our own country.

    Politicians have become exceptionally adept at these slick distortions of truth, usually for personal or political gain, and the Global Warming scam is a fine example of that.

    It is our responsibility to question everything we're told, lest we become their victims....

  10. Indeed, the global warming context is about defining who makes money and who pays by force; one would be woefully naive or belligerent to believe otherwise at this point.

    We are in desperate need of an exposé on those vested interests using fear of the unknown to hoodwink the vulnerable. It's in this desire to mislead and profit that man's evil lives.

  11. It's all about defining who makes money and who pays, by force. Human nature never changes -- there will always be tyrants using fear to manipulate others, and there will always be the weak of mind who fall for it.

    Hopefully we can break the chain, at least temporarily, to make an example out of the charlatans and frauds.

  12. Weather is something different from climate. This small niggling fact tends to upset a lot of people. A cold winter in the US doesn't mean that the climate isn't rising. Funnily enough 2010 was again one of the warmest years since they started keeping records. More niggling facts best ignored, eh?


  13. @Milene: The only reason I have allowed your comment to be posted is because it is a very typical Green Lie.

    The truth can be found here:

    Don't expect to see any of your other comments to be given the opportunity to lie on this blog.

  14. Typical. I take it you really do enjoy freedom of speech and a healthy debate. Cheers.

  15. @Milene:
    I enjoy the TRUTH, based on FACTS more.

    I have three decades of researching "global warming" to know it is total rubbish.

    I don't want rubbish on my blog, even if it pretends to be debate.

  16. Hi from France!
    U.S.A. stop polluting our globe and stop being so stupid about the thruth.

