Monday, May 2, 2011

OBL's Last Known Location

USS Vinson, Navy Aircraft Carrier


  1. I think the president made a mistake in handling the entire Osama matter. He should have had him killed in silence. The bragging about it afterwards is only going to make it worse. Violence creates violence. This was pure Obama style: don't think for a second he ordered the raid because he wanted evidence; he wanted evidence so he could claim the kill. Bush would have ordered the silent strike and kept the death to himself. Now the US and its people will pay the price for Obama's ego. Scary.

  2. Maybe they *keel hauled* the SOB, maybe the props chopped him up...

    Maybe he's eating NAVY chow, right now...

  3. @Eddy. I disagree. Bush would have put Osama's head on a pike in front of the White House. A silent strike would serve no purpose whatever in the war on Islamic terrorism.

  4. "Bush would have put Osama's head on a pike in front of the White House."

    I would have paid good money to see that. Hey, there's a deficit reduction idea for you!

  5. We did not forget.
    Justice has prevailed.
    You can run but you can't hide.
