Saturday, October 29, 2011

October Snow Storm

It is snowing heavily in New Jersey where I live. I keep wondering how long it will take some Warmist to announce that it is due to "global warming." This is a measure of how stupid they think we are. For the record, the Earth has been in a cooling cycle since 1998.

If the meteorologists are correct, this snow storm may set a few new records, not the least of which is its early arrival.


  1. Alan,

    There you go again! What are you going to believe? What they tell you or what you see with your own eyes?

    Rich K.

  2. I hope it's all just a dream (or nightmare?) and I will wake up soon. If not, then it is very real indeed.

  3. Hey, the early snowing wasn't supposed to happen until after July 2012, when Australians start paying their carbon tax to cool the planet! Blast, I'll have to let the Aus government know that apparently there is no need for the tax. What's the bet they make us pay it anyway?

  4. I do hope Aussies can get that awful "carbon" law repealed. It will drive out industry and business, doing incredible harm to the economy.

  5. I was in Pennsylvania for a wedding and I was amazed that there was a snowstorm until I was told (and this is no joke) that Al Gore would be attending the ceremony and the reception.

    Mike Fitz
