Thursday, February 9, 2012

A Must See Video on Very Big Government


  1. I don't know what else to say except how utterly disgusted I am with this sick, bloated government. We are rapidly losing folks. If you want to be under the yoke of a huge government, having and doing only what they approve, keep going in this direction. If not, start by voting Obama out of office in November, and, insisting those in power start working for we the people for a change.

  2. I am a civilian employee of DoD, NAVY, and I am a conservative. I am totally aware of the number of government employees that are locked into voting for their status quo. But I am not. I am voting for the freedom of all Americans and a return to a constitutional US governemnt. I am sick of seeing what is happening to the US economy, freedoms, culture and jobs. This video is very informative, and I will share it with everyone I know.

  3. Bravo! Not all government employees are brain-dead robots. Many, like yourself, a patriots.
