Wednesday, June 13, 2012

June 14 is Flag Day

I'm flying mine. Are you?


  1. Some punk stole ours over Memorial Day weekend ... I'll have to get out and get another one! Feed the economy and all ...

  2. One wonders if the mind numbed robots of the Democrap Party fly the American flag with Obama's picture on it today?

    Like the passengers in first class on the Titanic, the Leftist idiots drink their drinks and listen to the band as their ship of fools sinks into the cold water.

  3. I cleaned out a rental property I manage today, and found not one, but TWO American flags lying in the filth the tenant left behind. I removed them, folded them up, and brought them home for disposal, since they were badly stained and soaked in cat urine.

    Cooincidentally, I also found a post-election copy of our local newspaper (with the huge "OBAMA WINS!" headline) among the other trash the tenant left behind.

    Classy people, those Obama supporters ... I wonder why they left THAT behind?

  4. I took my Cub Scouts to a community flag retirement ceremony in Provo, Utah. It was beautifully done and very touching. We do it every year on Flag Day - kicks off our Freedom Festival and starts my American History season of teaching my kids about the Revolution, the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution.

  5. Nice to know I am in such good company!
