Friday, September 28, 2012

Cartoon Round Up


  1. Mr. Caruba,
    I love the last cartoon, it is so true. Its funny, I ran into a very young woman who just about fits this cartoon to a "t". And it all about "free" stuff, which seems to be the bait on the hook.
    Have a great weekend.

  2. Do you know, Alan, that in Old Testament times there were people who would sell themselves into slavery because they could not find a way to meet their basic needs. They knew that their owner would feed and house them and take care of them and all they had to do was work.

    I was thinking about that and wondering what parallel there is today in America to the millions who are turning themselves into slaves of the US government so they can stuff...and their entitlements.

    Don't get me wrong. There are legitimate reasons to receive help. I know that. I was there once in my lifetime, but it was short and then it was over and I was forced to get on with my life.
    But I could personally name several people who get entitlements who could work. They just don't want to. If I know a few, so do many other people. I also know many on unemployment who just figure they are getting a two year vacation and they take it. It really bothers me.

  3. @Judy. It reakkt bothers a lot of people to know others are cheating the system designed to help those who really need it. Let's hope they VOTE!

  4. Strange how a few comic panels say more than an intense blog...

  5. @Fred: TRUE! I am a bit jealous of the way a political cartoonist can do that and it's why I include a selection every week.
