Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The DNC's Orgy of Lies and Hypocrisy

By Alan Caruba

So far there is little to be believed in the course of the Democratic Party convention. It is a great concoction of half-truths, distortions, and outright lies. The hypocrisy fills the convention hall like the musk of a dead, decaying animal corpse.

I do not know why anyone is or should be surprised by this, given the party’s two designated leaders. President Obama has been telling voters the same lies over and over again since he began campaigning for the job. He is, of course, the titular leader of the Party.

The other is in a class of her own when it comes to lies, the DNC Chairwoman, Debbie Wasserman Schultz. You don’t have to have to be a psychiatrist to know that Rep. Schultz is pathologically unable to tell the truth. It says a lot about the Party that she was chosen to be its chairwoman.

One need only Google “Debbie Wasserman Schultz + Lies” to come up with page after page of links to news reports and analysis pointing to lies that are often so blatant that they shocked seasoned news anchors like CNN’s Anderson Cooper and Wolf Blitzer, both of whom rebuked her on air.

In the interest of brevity, a quick look at Rep. Shultz’s lies includes her claim that she is just “a middle class American.” Not that many middle class Americans, however, have a second home. The Florida Representative has one in Newbury, New Hampshire.

Disclosure forms required of members of Congress revealed that in 2010 Rep. Schultz had a 401k retirement fund with investments in Swiss banks, foreign drug companies, and the state bank of India. There’s nothing illegal in this, but that does not excuse her efforts to tar Mitt Romney as someone hiding his assets overseas.

Rep. Schultz, however, really excels at telling lies about Republicans. Back in April during an appearance on CNN’s ‘State of the Union’, she said, “What’s really bothersome to me Candy is that it almost seems like my Republican colleagues in Congress and Mitt Romney are rooting for economic failure.”

As the convention began, the U.S. national debt hit $16,000,000,000,000! During his first term, Barack Obama added $6,000,000,000,000 and during half of his first term Democrats were in full control of Congress! It took George W. Bush eight years in office to add $4,000,000,000,000. Given another four years, Obama is on track to triple Bush’s debt increase.

Around the same time when the subject of voter IDs began to capture public attention, Rep. Schultz said that the Republicans’ call for IDs was comparable to the days of Jim Crow laws. When she was questioned by a crew from MRC-TV, she claimed she had never said such a thing. Meanwhile, everyone attending the Democratic Party convention must not only have a photo ID, but be prepared to show it three times in order to get into the venue.

In mid-August Rep. Schultz was asked if a major, liberal super PAC, Priorities USA Action, was sympathetic to the Democratic Party, she said she had “no idea” if that was true, but the next day on Fox News Sunday she was busy putting distance between the party and a particularly offensive television ad produced by the PAC. By Monday, in an interview with CNN’s Soledad O’Brien, she said, “Of course I know the Priorities USA super PAC is a Democratic-affiliated super PAC”, blah, blah, blah.

Like Obama, Pelosi, and Reid, Rep. Shultz has been lying about Obamacare since it was passed by a straight party line vote against enormous public opposition. Both Romney and running-mate Paul Ryan have repeatedly said they are trying to save Medicare and pointing out the Obamacare takes $716 billion from Medicare. Debbie has continue to say that they intend to ruin Medicare for seniors when, in fact, Obamacare already does that. A major Romney campaign promise is that he will repeal it if elected.

The day before the opening of the Democratic Party convention, Schultz, a Jew, told a meeting of Jewish campaign operatives that “As we know, and I’ve heard it no less than (Israeli) Ambassador Michael Oren say this, that what the Republicans are doing is dangerous to Israel.” The next night she told Fox News “I didn’t say that.” Blah, blah, blah. The Ambassador immediately refuted her latest lie.

On Thursday, President Obama will give his acceptance speech and provide the reasons for his reelection. It will be a fact-checker’s bonanza of lies, but there are already Internet sites completely devoted to all his previous lies. Whole books will be devoted to them in the years to come.

It is understood that politicians often do not tell the truth, but anyone who votes for Barack Obama is voting for the worst liar to have ever held the office of President and for a party that has imposed more debt on voters in four years than all previous Presidents combined.

The scariest part of this is that millions of Americans will vote for Obama and other Democratic Party candidates. If you have the stomach to watch the convention look at the delegate's happy faces. Lenin had a name for such people. He called them useful idiots.

© Alan Caruba, 2012


  1. Succinct as always Alan. Nice condensation of the facts. Too bad the Democrats, at least most of them, will never read or understand logically stated truths.

  2. Thanks, Scott. Unfortunately, liberals are immune to facts and logic.

  3. If the Dems could LIE and tell *half-truths* they would be speechless...

  4. @Fred. I think you meant to say if the Dems could NOT LIE...

  5. Love this article, Alan, as so many of your others. Shared it on my Facebook page. You stated it exactly when you said that liberals are immune to logic & reason. It's truly frightening, though, how the liberal poison is infiltrating all of in point, have you read of Glenn Beck's treatment over the weekend in New York and on American Airlines! Unbelievable! And the DNC deliberately trying to cut God & Jerusalem out of their platform? Wow. Everything this country was founded on is being rapidly flushed down the toilet (if it hasn't already been entirely) I wish I shared your optimism that Obama will not be reelected, because frankly, I'm really scared about that possibility.

  6. Your post will go over the heads of most Democrats. They just aren't intelligent to get it.

  7. @Alan:

    I think the massive lying by high Democrat Party officials and politicians are part of the meltdown of a once proud major American Liberal political party of great presidents like Truman and JFK.

    Where can the Democrats go from here?

    The path seems to lead only to a massive defeat at the polls in November - and, hopefully, the end of the Democrats as a major political party.

  8. @Ronald: I am increasingly of the belief that there will be a "massive defeat" for Dems in November.

    @Rachel. Thank you for sharing my commentaries on Facebook and anywhere else you want. As per above, I can't see any way Obama will be reelected other than massive vote fraud.

  9. @Alan - You may well be right; I hope to God you are...but really, would you put massive vote fraud past him? He's committed every other kind of fraud one can imagine, including that of his very eligibility to hold that position. Why wouldn't he attempt to defraud the United States of America to ge reelected?

  10. @Rachel: Of course he would! He's a Communist.

  11. Another long trenched governmental hypocrisy...:

    Natural Selection Is Built-In Hypocrisy In US Science Structure

    Where the Nation Turns for Independent, Expert Advice
    Advisers to the Nation on Science, Engineering, and Medicine

    In the Executive Office of the President, the main body advising the president on science policy is the Office of Science and Technology Policy. Other advisory bodies exist within the Executive Office of the President, including the President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology and the National Science and Technology Council.
    Further advice (on legislating science policy) is provided by extra-governmental organizations such as The National Academies, which was created and mostly funded by the federal government,[2] and the RAND Corporation, as well as other non-profit organizations such as the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the American Chemical Society among others.

    Conflict of interest arises whenever the personal or professional interests of a board or committee member or of an expert adviser are potentially at odds with the best interests of the nonprofit…by the people for the people…

    I rest the people’s case…

    Dov Henis
    (comments from 22nd century)
