Sunday, November 4, 2012

Electricity Has Returned to NJ

I am happy to report that electricity has returned to my little town in New Jersey and the nightmare of the past week is now over.

I expect to begin posting again on November 5th.

Please go out and vote for Mitt Romney. Ask your family, friends, and cio-workers to save this nation from Obama and ruin he has imposed on everyone.

If they ask why, tell them about 23 million Americans out of work, 47 million on food stamps, and why a Romney election will unleash all the pent up energy for growth that has been waiting to explode for the past four years.

Cheers everyone!

Alan Caruba


  1. Wow I forgot about that and couldn't think why you hadn't posted. Glad you are fine and most of the problems are getting better in NJ and the east coast. For sure there was and is a lot of damage.

  2. Glad you're back Alan I read your comments every day and they provide real context.

    God bless.


  3. Welcome back to cyberspace. We've missed seeing your daily commentaries! Your absence illustrates to me how much I look forward to checking Warning Signs.

  4. I am so glad you are back and hope your life will soon return to normal. Your latest column is terrifying, but I know, true. It is beyond any comprehension that we are so close to losing this great country forever.

  5. So glad you're safe Alan! Was worried there for a while...

  6. Thank you, all. It is good to know I was missed!

  7. I was worried. I have another blogger somewhere in New Jersey and I have not heard from her. I am glad you are back.
    I early voted and I do not need to tell you who I voted for.
    I am now somewhat terrified about the days after the election. I am not worried in my area but the urban areas and what I have been reading about riots and other threats. I pray for your safety and others.

  8. You truly were missed, although I got my Daily Caruba via phone and shared it with Facebook...

    My wife asked me, "Is Alan happy to be back up and running?"

    To which I replied, "Happy as a witch in a broom factory!"

    Yes my friend, you were missed and your strong voice is needed in this time of tribulation!

  9. Glad to hear you are up and running again, Alan.

    I was just about ready to send the Northwest Mounted Police to New Jersey to find you :-)

    Sergeant Preston and Yukon King always found their man :-)

  10. So glad you are ok and back. Feel free to give us your opinion of your governor's glowing praise for Obama. I understand he was desperate and devastated but I did not appreciate his ever so positive comments.

  11. @Hugh. I thought Christie went overboard. He is a man of strong emotions and had been through a tough week.
