Wednesday, April 24, 2013

We're Doing Something Wrong


Unknown said...

Can't get more insightful than that

Anonymous said...

This is where political correctness takes you. Paying people to blow you up.

TexasFred said...

This nation is SO messed up.. :(

Jack Savage said...

Not surprised at all.

It is the unvarying rule over here in the UK.

whiteson said...

Mr Caruba, I want to remember USA as the true leader. When I was younger, it was like that. But unfortunately things are screwed up in the USA today. The same as in my country RSA. And it seems that this decay will never end. I pray for both our countries and the immorality to end. But as you yourself know praying alone wo'nt help, someone strong enough needs to convince the "blind" to see again. We can only hope that such persons will arrive sooner than later.