Thursday, October 25, 2007

It's Hot in California: Part Two

By Alan Caruba

"No one fire can be blamed on global warming, but there is no doubt that changes in our climate are causing more fires that are more severe. The tragic events unfolding in California are yet another stark reminder that action is needed to combat global warming now, and the EPA should not stand in the way of California's lead."

This is a paragraph from an email from Friends of the Earth this morning. The notion that the California wildfires are a "reminder that action is needed to combat global warming now" is one of those "toss-away" phrases you will find Greens using all the time. It's part of their philosophy that, saying something often enough makes it true.

What is true is that, under constant pressure from Greens to restrict all kinds of forest management programs, the U.S. has seen some truly catastrophic wildfires in the past decade or so. If you never remove undergrowth, dead or dying trees, it only takes one lightning strike to create a fire.

It is also true, as predicted in my previous post, that the Greens will exploit the California wildfires and every other weather event to advance their lies.

These people are shameless.

A perfect example were the statements made yesterday by the Lt. Governor of the State who choose this tragedy as an excuse to politicize the event by criticizing the Iraq war. People in California were losing their homes and possessions, and all this moron could do was bloviate about the Bush administration.

A lot of people are likely to decide it is time to leave California after the fires. They will leave as much because of the cascade of illegal immigration, increasing taxation, and environmental mandates as any other reason.

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