Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The Census is Getting Personal

This five-minute video explains that, under the Constitution, the government may only count how many live in a particular place. Today's census, however, asks a lot of personal questions for which they have no constitutional authority. Can you refuse to share personal information? So far, the government has no answer for that question.


  1. Mr. Caruba, it has been my plan all along for the Census, is to answer nothing but this: Pursuant to Article I, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution, we are hereby informing you there are three people in our household, two of whom are voting age.
    That is all I plan on saying or writing. Anything else is non Constitutional and NONE of their business! God Bless! :-)

  2. That's all they're getting from me, too.

  3. Hey Alan! I am actually considering an act of civil disobedience on the whole census thing. I'm not going to fill anything out and when the ACORN guy shows up at my door, I plan to burn the census form in front of him. It seems to me that the whole thing is all about compliance, do it because "they" say so. I guess I don't do too well being bossed around ;)

  4. MM: Just tell them how many people live in the house/apartment with you and that is all the Constitution requires.

    After that, wave a copy of it in front of them and ask them to tell you where they get the authority to ask you anything else.
