Friday, August 31, 2012

You Just Cannot Make This Stuff Up!

"As sand sculpture firm “Team Sandtastic” put the finishing touches on a 16-foot sculpture of President Barack Obama outside of the EpiCentre in Charlotte, N.C., Sand Obama made a command appearance on Twitter right on schedule."


  1. Looks like "shifting" sand to me, Alan!


  2. Think I'll grab the grandkids, stop by Walmart to pick up some Super Soakers, and head to Charlotte. We can be there in 3 or 4 hours...

  3. Remember the recent, "megalithic" monument to Martin Luther King. There is a fundamental element of imitation in this (consciously so, or not), which I see repeated over and over again, and which is also shown by Muslims and other religious "fundamentalists" (i.e., those who look backward, basically, bowing to an unquestioned received dogma). The message (for believers) is simple: Obama is a god -- a substitute for God -- too big to fail. Man is never so small as when he makes a giant monument to a very small man (which is in contrast to the large statue of the seated Lincoln at his memorial -- a much more fitting "giant" of a man). Notice the self-satisfied smirk on this image of Obama -- this puts it on a level with a statue of a clown at the entrance to an amusement park. They would have everyone be entertained, as by a low clown, rather than inspired by a leader (which they cannot offer).

  4. A tsunami would have been great. Not only would it have taken out the sand works but the nitwits that believe that hog wash.

  5. Can we get an *area specific* hurricane? That is absolutely disgusting...

  6. Okay, guys, it's just a sand sculpture. I don't want to wish a hurricane or tsunami on anyone.

  7. Not everyone is as nice as you are Alan... :)

  8. Holy cow!

    A rather bad omen for the DNC comvention, wouldn't you say? I love it!
