Saturday, September 1, 2012

You Know You're a Moron If...

By Alan Caruba

We now know the theme of Barack Obama’s campaign in the remaining weeks before the November 6 election.

In an interview with the Associated Press last week he said that Mitt Romney holds “extreme positions.” This is in line with the immediate Democratic Party attack launched against Paul Ryan as a “radical.”

The sad part of this is that people who will vote for Obama still believe what he says.

To them I say, you know you’re a moron if….
You can ignore the fact that, under Obama, the nation has been through forty-two months with an unemployment rate of eight percent or higher.

You know you’re a moron if…
You don’t know that there are currently an estimated 23,000,000 Americans unemployed or who have simply given up looking for work.

You know you’re a moron if….
You don’t know that there are 45,000,000 Americans on food stamps.

You know you’re a moron if….
You don’t know that there are 46,000,000 Americans living below the poverty line.

You know you’re a moron if….
You don’t know that the Congress has not passed a budget in the last three years and that both houses were controlled by the Democratic Party for Obama’s first two years in office.

You know you’re a moron if….
You don’t know that Obamacare takes $716 billion out of Medicare in order to fund a law that has twenty-two new taxes hidden in it.

You know you’re a moron if….
You don’t know that the United States of America is $16 trillion in debt; more than the nation’s annual Gross Domestic Product, the total of all its goods and services.

You know you’re a moron if….
You don’t know that the Obama Department of Justice sued Arizona to thwart its effort to stop illegal immigration and reduce the flow of drugs and human trafficking across its border with Mexico.

You know you’re a moron if…
You don’t know that the Obama administration is still covering up “Fast and Furious”, an operation to move guns to the Mexican drug cartels that cost a Border Patrol office his life.

You know you’re a moron if….
You don’t know that Obama’s “stimulus” program, a $787 billion slush fund for unions, green energy companies, and other cronies of the administration, has been a massive failure.

You know you’re a moron if…
You don’t know that Obama intervened to stop the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline even though it was estimated to produce 20,000 construction and related jobs, and provide the U.S. with Canadian oil without costing the American taxpayer a dollar.

You know you’re a moron if…
After Obama installed pro-union members on the National Labor Relations Board, it ordered Boeing aircraft company not to build a plant in South Carolina.

You know you’re a moron if…
You don’t know that in May 2012 Obama endorsed same-sex marriages, the first President to ever do that. The next day, North Carolina voters approved a ban on gay and lesbian marriages.

You know you’re a moron if….
You think it’s a good idea to reduce America’s nuclear arsenal to 1,500 warheads in a world where the North Koreans have nukes, Pakistan has nukes, and Iran is working feverishly to acquire them.

I could go on, but it is a very long list of things Democrats and liberals apparently either do not know or prefer to ignore.

Voters for Obama will ignore the fact that Obama is “transforming” America into the equivalent of Greece and taking the nation over a fiscal cliff.

© Alan Caruba, 2012


  1. You left out:
    You know you're a moron if....
    You vote for Obama in 2012.

  2. Dang! I knew I forgot something!

    The whole article says that, Hugh!


  3. I know, but if one is stupid enough to vote for Obama he or she needs to be bluntly told. The sad part is that many of his supporters are aware of most of these facts and still choose to ignore them. They believe the likes of Lawrence O'Donnell of MSNBC who said that Paul Ryan's speech at the Republican Convention totally lacked substance.

  4. If you voted for Obama in 2008 to prove you're not a racist, you'll have to vote for Romney in 2012 to prove you're not a moron...

  5. I believe, Hugh, that's exactly what I said.

    My late Mother used to say that there is no defense against stupidity.

  6. I had changed to MSNBC right after Ryan's speech to see their reactions and comments. They are going all out to discredit republicans and they don't even try to hide it.

  7. Or as Forrest Gump's mommy said..."stupid is as stupid does".

  8. About half the people polled say they plan on voting for Obama (in spite of facts like those you list in this article). Which seems utterly irrational to me; but I'm sure they rationalize it to themselves somehow (if only to keep their heads from exploding).

    How, then, does one reach these "blinded" individuals? Reiterating the facts apparently does little good. Perhaps we should begin by discovering the factors that are causing the blindness...

    I'd be interested in your take on this matter, Alan. An insightful article entitled something like "WHY, in Spite of the Facts, People Still Support Obama" just might provide us with some direction. After all, we're not going to make many converts if we simply and summarily dismiss half of our fellows as mere morons!

  9. Gerry: I have a close relative who is a successful Wall Street guy, graduate of Columbia University, Democrat and ultra-liberal. We never talk politics because he is utterly immune to facts and gets upset if you cite them. He will vote for Obama.

  10. It is true that Obama has cornered the criminal, communist, black and idiot vote in this coming election, but the only way the gutter rats can reelect him in November is by way of massive voter fraud.

  11. @ Gerry Rzeppa - Good point. Dismissing them does no good, and I too often wonder how they can ignore the realities of what Obama is doing to this country. One explanation is obvious ... flat out and unabashed racism. It's there, and cannot be denied. But, that doesn't explain the rest. I can only assume it's a deeply conditioned hatred for Republicans that overrides all common sense and logic, and how we overcome that is beyond me. We can only hope that while they may refuse to vote Republican this time around, they might also refuse to vote for the guy who lied to them and failed to come through on his promises ... and that seems pretty likely to me at this point.

  12. @ Guy in Ohio -

    I've been thinking that perhaps the easiest way to get to the root of the irrationalities of others (and ourselves!) is to refer to the seven deadly sins:

    1. Sloth. Sometimes we're just too lazy to ascertain the facts.

    2. Envy. Sometimes we resent those better off than ourselves and side with whoever would pull them down.

    3. Greed. Sometimes we're convinced we can get more for less with one guy than another.

    4. Gluttony. Sometimes we want more of a legitimate thing than we should. A helping hand is one thing; expecting others to tend to our own personal responsibilities is something else.

    5. Lust. Sometimes we pervert legitimate pleasures, and we side with whoever will sanction our perversions.

    6. Wrath. Sometimes we're just plain angry and simply want to destroy the status quo even where it is working.

    7. Pride. Sometimes we just want to think ourselves better than others and take up with whoever flatters us most. And then we put down whoever is outwardly different (the racism you mentioned falls primarily under this category, I think).

    In short, it's a very difficult thing to get sinners like us to think straight. Perhaps only saints should be allowed to vote...

    [Note to grammarians: feel free to change all those "whoevers" to "whomevers" if it makes this easier for you to read]

  13. @Gerry: I liked your equating the seven deadly sins with the actions of some voters.

  14. At the risk of belaboring the point, I think there may be an even simpler way to explain all this "moronic" thinking. One word: Selfishness.

    " unemployment rate of eight percent or higher..." Doesn't concern ME -- I have a job.

    "...23,000,000 Americans unemployed or who have simply given up looking for work." Not ME! I found a job! Maybe they should look harder.

    "...there are 45,000,000 Americans on food stamps." Good! Keeps them from rioting and begging ME for food!

    "...46,000,000 Americans living below the poverty line." Not ME! Maybe they choose to live like that.

    "...Congress has not passed a budget in the last three years..." Hasn't affected ME.

    "...Obamacare takes $716 billion out of Medicare..." Not MY problem -- I'm young and healthy!

    "...$16 trillion in debt..." Wish they'd give ME a credit line like that!

    "...the Obama Department of Justice sued Arizona to thwart its effort to stop illegal immigration..." What do I care? MY house is nowhere near Arizona.

    "...the Obama administration is still covering up 'Fast and Furious'..." Doesn't affect ME.

    "...Obama’s stimulus program... has been a massive failure." Didn't affect ME either way.

    "...Obama intervened to stop the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline..." Doesn't concern ME -- I don't work in the oil industry.

    "...Obama installed pro-union members on the National Labor Relations Board..." Not MY problem; I work in a non-union industry.

    "...Obama endorsed same-sex marriages... North Carolina voters approved a ban on gay and lesbian marriages." Boy, those Bible Thumpers are prudes! I say, more sex for ME!

    "...[Obama wants to] reduce America’s nuclear arsenal to 1,500 warheads..." Sounds like plenty to ME.

    See the problem? In order to be outraged by any of these things, I have to really care about something other than ME. Hard to make that happen with nothing but facts on your side!
