By Alan
Environmental Protection Agency has been in a full assault on the U.S. economy
since the 1980s when the global warming hoax was initiated. It has been
assisted by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and NASA.
To put it
in other terms, our own government has engaged in lying to Americans and the
result has been the expenditure of billions of taxpayer dollars on something
that was not happening and is not happening.
On January
22, the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee released the deposition
transcript of former senior EPA official John Beale. After defrauding the
agency of nearly $900,000 and spending weeks and months away from his office by
claiming he was on assignment for the CIA, the transcript contained a
his job, at the time as a close associate of Gina McCarthy, the new EPA
administrator, Beale revealed that he was there to come up with “specific
proposals that could have been proposed either legislatively or things which
could have been done administratively to kind of modify the capitalist system…”

When the
new EPA administrator, Gina McCarthy, in testimony before a congressional
committee in mid-January was asked by Sen. Jeff Sessions (AL-R) to confirm a
statement made by President Obama last year that global temperatures were
increasing faster in the last five or ten years than climate scientists had
She said, “I
can’t answer that question.”
asking us to impose billions of dollars of cost on this economy and you won’t
answer the simple question of whether (temperature around the world is
increasing faster than predicted) is accurate or not?” Sessions responded.
“I just
look at what the climate scientists tell me,” said McCarthy.
The Earth
is in a cooling cycle that has lasted seventeen years at this point, but the
EPA administrator was not inclined to accept this fact, nor question the
climate scientists who provided the data based on computer models that have
been consistently wrong now for decades.
We owe the
Heartland Institute, a free market think tank a debt of gratitude for the eight
international conferences it has held to debunk global warming. Joseph Bast,
its president and CEO, has said, “The toll our EPA is taking on the country is
staggering, putting hundreds of thousands of Americans out of work at a time
when millions of people are unemployed and our reliance on foreign sources of
energy threatens to compromise our nation’s security.” Heartland’s science
director points out that “EPA’s budget could safely be cut by 80 percent or
more without endangering the environment or human health, Most of what EPA does
today could be done better by state government agencies…” I serve as an advisor
to Heartland.
This is
the same EPA that proposed restrictions for new wood stoves in early January.
The reason given was to reduce the maximum amount of fine particulate emissions
(soot) allowed for new stoves sold in 2015 and 2019. The soot is made up of
solid particles and liquid droplets that measure 2.5 micrometers or less. The EPA claims, as it does for virtually all
its regulations, that it is linked to heart attacks, decreased lung function,
and premature death in people with heart and lung disease. This is worse than
junk science. It represents no science whatever, being an invention of EPA
employees who specialize in such nonsense. The Earth produces soot every day
and circulates it globally.
The only way Americans will be
protected against the EPA’s attack on our economy will be a Congress controlled
by the Republican Party and a Republican President that will support the
oversight that is needed and the reversal of its vast output of regulations. It
will have to do this as well for NOAA, NASA, and other governmental departments and agencies that, until recently, spewed forth all manner of “data” supporting
the global warming hoax.
At the
heart of the global warming hoax, now called climate change, is the assertion
that carbon dioxide (CO2) and other “greenhouse gases” have been dangerously
warming the Earth by trapping heat, but you don’t have to be a scientist to
know that the current cold spell, comparable to the 1500-1850 mini-ice age, is
the result of lower solar emissions by a sun. CO2 is a minor (0.038) element of
the Earth’s atmosphere, but the second most vital gas for all life on Earth
because it is the “food” that maintains all vegetation.
wonder, during the government shutdown, more than 93% of EPA employees were
furloughed when designated as “non-essential.” That was more than nine out of
every ten employees!
September 2013, the Republican members of the Senate Environmental and Public
Works Committee issued a report that EPA officials had, from the beginning of
President Obama’s tenure had “pursued a path of obfuscation, operating in the
shadows, and out of the sunlight.” It detailed violations of the Freedom of
Information Act and other federal laws and regulations intended to encourage
transparency and accountability in the government.
mid-January, the Energy and Environmental Legal Institute revealed that emails
obtained through the Freedom of Information Act revealed that the EPA used
official events to help environmental groups gather signatures for petitions on
agency rulemaking. “The level of coordination in these documents is shocking”
said an EELI spokesman. The EPA has a long history of this, including a policy
of “sue and settle” working with environmental groups to bring a suit to
advance regulations and settling the suit to enable it to implement those
In an
April 2013 article in Investor’s Business Daily, John Merline reported that
“Overall air pollution levels dropped 62% from 1990 to 2012, while GDP grew 69%
and population climbed 26%.” The pollution the EPA keeps claiming is rising
includes carbon monoxide, soot, sulfur dioxide, ozone, and others, all well
below the EPA’s safety threshold. Water quality, too, has also improved over
several decades.
In May
2013, Paul Driessen, a senior policy advisor for the Committee for a
Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT) noted that the EPA, since Obama’s inauguration in
2009, had generated 1,920 new regulations. “The EPA’s actions are forcing us to
expend vast financial, human and technological resources to achieve minimal or
even zero health benefits.”
This is
the same EPA leading the effort to shut down coal-fired plants that produce
electricity. It is the same EPA seeking to stop the Pebble Mine, described as
“a natural resource project in Alaska that could yield more copper than has
ever been found in one place anywhere in the world.”
The EPA is
the instrument of those who want to undermine capitalism in any way it can.
Only that can explain why entire books have been written about its impact on
the economy of the nation and the deceptive way it has imposed regulations
responsible for it.
Obama called for “hope and change” when he first ran for office. We can only
hope that a new Congress and President will bring about the change we need to
shut down the EPA and return control over the nation’s environment to its 50
sovereign states.
© Alan
Caruba, 2014
If I had the authority, I would arrest and try every member of EPA, down to the lowest file clerk, for treason against the United States of America.
The guilty verdict for over 99% of them - the current conviction rate in federal court - so felony convictions would be certain for all of them.
The sentence would be twenty years on Attu Island about 1,500 miles from Anchorage, Alaska in subarctic Aleutian Islands that has the worst weather in world.
No guards or fences necessary...Attu has killer tides and no one survives in the water more than 15 minutes.
I do hope the prisoners like an all fish diet.
She should have said, "I just look at what SOME OF THE climate scientists say.
The EPA... Alan, you remember when we spoke yesterday and I mentioned *the 3 most useless things in America*??
Well, I think we can add the EPA to that list!
This one's a share...Thanks again.
The question everyone...and I mean everyone....should be asking about the EPA is whether or not their actions qualify as criminal. I think they do, and justifies abolishing that agency along with the Wildlife service, both in cahoots with green activists.
The media has ignored the consequences of the EPAs and other federal agencies actions. The United States has at least one-fourth the world's fossil fuel energy resources(last the nation hundreds of years), one million square miles of arable land, and the most innovative population on the planet. We should have full employment and prosperity for all; yet the nation is in an economic malaise.
There is no hope for the administration in Washington to change direction. They have been committed to the Nation's destruction too long. Politician's should seize upon this issue in the forthcoming elections and throw these blackguards out.
James H. Rust, professor of nuclear engineering
Modified capitalism is theft.
The only reason for modifying the capitalist system is to deprive someone of reward for their effort, to divert that reward into the pockets of others.
Capitalism is the system of exchanging value for value. Modified capitalism is a system for diverting some or all of the profit of that exchange into the undeserving pockets of someone else.
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