By Alan
Well, we
now have another black riot to put in the books. This one, like the others,
involve the death of a black American by a white police officer, but buried in
the stories about the Ferguson, Missouri riot is the fact that there was an
altercation between Michael Brown and the officer who shot him after having
sustained an injury.
response of some members of the black community in Ferguson was to vandalize and
loot stores on Sunday night victimizing the owners of those stores, some of
whom avoided it by standing fully armed in front of their place of business.
Since then the rioting has continued through Wednesday, inflamed by the
predictable presence of Al Sharpton who is famed for getting on the first plane
available to get to the scene of riots and similar incidents.
blacks convinced of their victimization has a long history and was even
commented upon by Booker T. Washington (April 5, 1856 – November 14, 1915) who,
as far back as 1895, called for avoiding confrontations over segregation by
putting more reliance on long-term educational and economic advancement in the
black community. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. expanded on this theme by advocating
non-violent protest during the 1950s that led to the passage of the Civil
Rights Act in 1964.
There is
no question that blacks in America have had a very sorry history of slavery,
segregation, and lynchings, but that was then and this is now. Fifty years past
the Civil Rights Act, however, there should be no riots the likes of Ferguson.
Police officers who put their lives on the line every day to protect us have a right to self defense.

a fellow blogger cited a few of the riots since the days of civil rights
protests. In 1989 there was the Overton riot in Miami, Florida, in reaction to
the shooting of a black motorcyclist by a Hispanic police officer in that predominantly
black community. In 1992, there were the Los Angeles riots in reaction to the
acquittal of LAPD officers involved in the videotaped beating of Rodney King.
In 1996
there was a riot in St. Petersburg after a police officer stopped 18 year old
Tyron Lewis for speeding and his car lurched forward toward the officer. In
2001 there was a riot in Cincinnati in reaction to the acquittal of Steven
Roach after the fatal shooting of an unarmed young black male, Timothy Thomas,
during a foot pursuit. And in 2009 there was a riot in Oakland, California,
after another fatal shooting of an unarmed black man, Oscar Grant, by a BART
transit policeman.
All of
these riots have in common the shooting of a black man by a white or Hispanic officer,
presumably in fear for his life, with the exception of the response to the
Rodney King beating following a high speed car chase.
amidst these events is the fact that black men are more likely to be murdered
by other black men, fully 94 percent of such deaths, despite the fact that
blacks are 13 percent of the population. They account for more than 50 percent
of homicide victims in America, some 7,000 annually.
Juan Williams, in his book “Enough”, wrote “Very few leading black voices in
the pulpit or on the political stage are focused on having black people take
personal responsibility for the exorbitant amount of crime committed by black
people against other black people. Today’s black leaders sing like a choir when
they raise their voices against police brutality and the increasing number of
black people in jail…but any mention of black American’s responsibility for
committing the crimes, big and small, that lead so many to prison is barely mumbled
if mentioned at all.”
That puts
the latest riots in Ferguson in perspective and is an indictment of men like Al
Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and others who have profited from keeping blacks in a
mental state of victimization when the real problem of too many in the black
community is rooted in a culture of violence and criminality. The statistics do
not lie.
Whites who
witness such riots since the passage of the Civil Rights Act in 1964 and Voting
Rights Act in 1965 can be forgiven for concluding that too many in America’s
black community have not taken advantage of the rights those laws represent.
The good news, generally ignored, is the way many black Americans have focused
on the benefits of education and have moved into the middle and upper classes
of our population.
riots do nothing to advance the black community and no doubt are an embarrassment
that, regrettably, have occurred too often in the years since America took
dramatic steps to reverse the discrimination of the past.
© Alan
Caruba, 2014
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