Saturday, March 27, 2010

300 Followers and Growing!

As of today, I am happy to welcome the 300th "follower" to Warning Signs. I am very pleased that so many people enjoy my daily blog sufficiently to self-identify themselves, but I prefer to think of them as friends, not followers.

-- Alan Caruba


Carolyn said...

Congratulations again Mr. Caruba! I'm glad more folks are seeing your excellent blog! God Bless~ and I do consider you a friend too.

Anonymous said...

I meddle around a couple of rather liberal websites, spoiling their fun by pointing out various realities of the world in which we live. However, there are times when it's wearying, and a site like this is welcome: Grownups are much more fun. Rejuvenating!

Rachel Pohli said...

Just added myself as a "follower"; I didn't realize I hadn't done that since I get your blog posts delivered to my Google Reader...but I've been enjoying your posts (and the subsequent discussions from your readers) immensely and wanted to make it official! Congratulations, and keep up the good work.

Gustav said...

I don't know how you count followers, but color me that. On a day-to-day basis, there's no better reading on the Web. Thank you!

Alan Caruba said...

Thank you, everyone. It is a pleasure to share my view of the world with you.

Ronbo said...

Congratulations, Alan!

Speaking of the "300" - I couldn't help but to think of the 300 Spartans defending Western Civilization at "Hell's Gates" against three million Persians.

At the end of the day, the Greeks were victorious over the Persians, but in time fell under the iron heel of the Roman Empire.

Alan Caruba said...

Ronbo: Let is not forget that the Romans, later to be known as Italians, have given us a great legacy: Pasta...and revenge.

PS. Half my heritage is Italian.

Alan Caruba said...
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