Saturday, March 27, 2010

On Saving the Earth

My friend, Howard Hayden, editor of The Energy Advocate, emailed me earlier and at the bottom of the email as a signoff was a great quote:

"People will do anything to save the world...except take a course in science."


TexasFred said...

Sometimes, the shortest sentences contain more importance and common sense than huge novels!

Christopher - Conservative Perspective said...

Good quote, and adding to that they will do anything to save the world so lons it is somebody else doing it. (See: Al Gore)

Anonymous said...

I've long used the "Let's you and him..." bit for such. Save the world, do good, make peace, spend your money...

You and him, but not me, not me, not me!

Back about the time that LBJ got his Gross Society going, my father commented, "Did you ever notice how do-gooders always want to do good on other people's money?"

"Of course, other people's money. Generally, being a political activist doesn't pay very well."

Well, until this modern era...