By Alan Caruba
If you
Google “Obama + Liar” it will cite 33,000,000
times in which someone has written or posted that Obama a liar and, after a
slow start, thanks to an adoring media, it took well into his first term for
the accusation to become frequent. Inaugurated in 2009, early on his lies were
being cataloged in order to keep up with them. There is even a website devoted
to his lies, They are constant.
One of the
most famous stories about George Washington was penned by Mason Lock Weems,
more generally known as Parson Weems, an American author who is forever a part
of our history for his “Life of Washington”, in which he spins a tale about
young George and a cherry tree he chopped down. When challenged, Washington
replied “I cannot tell a lie. I did it with my little hatchet.” That, of course, was fiction. Washington was
a man of widely acknowledged integrity, but he successfully deceived the
British on many occasions.
Presidents have been accused of lying by their political opponents, but Obama’s
habitual lying has generated millions of words as various pundits have tried to
figure out why. Writing in the
October 25, 2012 edition of American Selwyn Duke said, “A liar,
however is someone who lives and breathes the lie; someone who specializes in
the art of artifice; someone to whom lying is his first recourse, not his last.
Such a man is Barack Obama.”
In July
2011, Joseph Curl asked “Is Obama a pathological liar?” in a column for The
Washington Times. “In the weird world that is Washington, men and women say
things daily, hours, even minutely, that they know deep down are simply not
true. Inside the Beltway, we all call those utterances “rhetoric”…And lately
the President has been lying so much that his pants could burst into flames at
any moment.”
On October
30, Fox News analyst, Judge Andrew Napolitano, penned a commentary titled “Is Obama a dupe or a totalitarian, megalomaniacal liar?”
Bearing in
mind those 33 million Google posts, I will spare you further quotes, but we
have reached a point where the question of the President’s ceaseless lying has
finally become a major political issue.
In June
The Pew Research Center, which has tracked the various descriptions of
President Obama over the years, noted that “The survey finds that the one-word
impressions people have of Obama have changed a great deal throughout his
presidency. Terms like incompetent and liar now are among the most frequently
used words to describe Obama.” No surprises here.
The only way ObamaCare can be repealed
is if the GOP controls both the House and the Senate. There is an old political
adage that says, if your opponent is determined to hang himself, for Heaven’s sake,
don’t take away the rope.
There are
some well-known facts about compulsive and/or pathological liars and they all
fit Obama. Compulsive lying is a type of obsessive disorder. Pathological liars
are described as manipulative and cunning people who lie to achieve their goals
without caring whether it hurts the feelings of others. Compulsive liars lie
because it is their automatic response to any situation. They are often
referred to as habitual or chronic liars.
I am not a
psychologist or psychiatrist, so I will not pass judgment beyond what other observers
have had to say regarding Obama. I do think, however, that there are some
serious aspects to his behavior that must be addressed.
In the
halls of Congress as elsewhere, a man’s word is his most valuable commodity.
Where there is no trust, very little of the nation’s business can be conducted
and Obama, Pelosi, and Reid, the Democratic leaders, have severely destroyed
whatever trust might have been extended to them initially by their Republican
counterparts. Indeed, Congress is noteworthy these days for having passed far
fewer bills than previous ones.
Years ago
there was a Russian poet, Yevgeny Yevtushenko, who, living in the then-Soviet
Union, warned us all, “When truth is replaced by silence, the silence is a
lie.” We cannot be silent in the face of
the tsunami of lies pouring forth out of the White House, as told by the
President, and by those around him.
We must
expose the lies, discuss the lies, and we must resist the lies or be their
© Alan
Caruba, 2013
I think Obama's personalty disorder is even worse than just being a liar - the man is a classic psychopath:
WIKIPEDIA on psychopath traits.
Facet 1: Interpersonal
Glibness/superficial charm
Grandiose sense of self-worth
Pathological lying
Facet 2: Affective
Lack of remorse or guilt
Emotionally shallow
Callous/lack of empathy
Failure to accept responsibility for own action
It is wisely said that most people in prison are psychopaths, but not all psychopaths are in prison.
Indeed, one is the current president of these Dis-United States of America.
If you point out the fact that Obama lies you get called a RACIST...
If you point out the fact that Obama is a rank amateur, you're a racist..
If you don't like Obama because he's a rank amateur and a liar, yeah, you're called a racist...
The TRUTH is NOT hate speech!
Someone told me years ago this name for it. "Narcissist" Not sure it that is the correct spelling.
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