By Alan Caruba
I don’t
recall when I first wrote about Obama telling lies, but it surely must have
been early in his first term, if not even earlier in the 2008 campaign. So much
of the information about his life was subject to question that it raised my
The way
Obamacare was reamed through a Congress that hadn’t even read the bill put me
on full alert. No Republican voted for it.
When you
have spent your early years as a journalist as I did you tend to develop a
healthy skepticism regarding politicians. There are some very good people who
go into politics, but they are vastly outnumbered by those who see it as an
easy way to line their pockets. They are the “Eddie Haskell’s” if you are old
enough to remember the unctuous character from “Leave It To Beaver.” Glad-handers, back-slappers, and generally
smooth talkers.
I was not
surprised to read a February 19 article in the Washington Examiner by
Paul Paulard. “Poll: Only 79% of Obama voters would vote for him again” was the title
and my first response was surprise that that many would still vote for him. Only???
In the
poll 71% of the Obama voters now
inclined to vote for someone else if they had the chance said they ‘regret’
their vote to reelect the President. So a majority of those taking The
Economist/ poll would vote for him again, but nearly all regret
having done so.
This is a
definition of stupidity. I think Obama and his cohorts counted on this high
level of indifference to the facts about his first term.
Among the
sample of those who would vote for someone else if they could, 100% of the
Hispanics said they would and 80% of the whites said they would. However 61% of
the blacks said they would still vote for Obama. It strikes me that many in the
African-American community are quick to speak out against any perceived
prejudice, but when it comes to electing Obama, skin color was a major factor. I
suspect that many are unaware of how Obama’s policies have left the black community with
soaring numbers of unemployed, far in excess of other racial groups.
women 84% said they would vote for someone else, but just 61% men agreed. The
most surprising element of the poll was that 55% of Democrats—yes
Democrats—wished they had not pulled the lever for Obama and 71% of
independents agreed.

gridlock that resulted and which Obama endlessly decries was created by the
Democrats in the Senate.
Efforts by
Republicans were rebuffed along with all manner of charges that they were
anti-women and anti-immigrant, among other absurdities. When the Republicans
tried to get the insane borrowing and spending under control by shutting down
the federal government as a response to raising the credit limits, they were
portrayed as political cavemen.
Obama is a
President who has made it clear that he considers the Congress as an obstacle
to his transformation of the nation from a capitalist to a socialist economy in
which Big Government functions as the redistributor of taxpayer funding with an
emphasis on programs that, like food stamps, added millions to that handout.
It took
the launch of Obamacare to make it abundantly clear how incompetent the Obama
administration was and is. The impact on the stagnant job market saw jobs
disappear or be turned into part-time, lower-wage positions. People discovered
they could not keep their family physician or specialist. Even access to nearby
hospitals was denied for some.
We are now
being told that being unable to find work is an opportunity to pursue one’s
hobbies. Denigrating working for a living is so un-American it is
The media
coverage of Obama’s first term and now the first years of his second protected
him against the failure to revive the economy after the 2008 financial crisis.
The scandals from Fast and Furious to Benghazi were shunted aside so that the
passage of time would diminish their impact. Those who reelected him were not
paying attention! Or they just didn’t care.
One can
only hope voters are paying attention now and, in the November 2014 midterm
elections, they will elect Republican candidates who will have an
opportunity—particularly in the Senate—to limit the damage that Obama continues
to inflict on the economy and in the area of foreign affairs.
Based on
the poll, it took Obama voters over five years, going on six, to conclude they
had made a bad choice—but 79% would still vote for him!
members of Congress, pundits, and others now routinely call Obama a liar is a
good sign because he is. But he is also still President of the United States of
America and I suspect he doesn’t care what people say about him anymore.
© Alan
Caruba, 2014
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