The effort has been to paint the Holocaust Museum alleged killer as “a right wing extremist” but James von Brunn was, in fact, a left wing extremist, a devotee of socialism mixed with a hatred of Jews and blacks. If one listened to the mainstream news media, the only extremists in America are right wingers.
I was talking with a friend who, like myself, has spent some years in the Deep South and other parts of the nation where people used to be far less circumspect about letting you know they didn’t like “niggers and Jews.”
I can recall separate waiting rooms in bus stations in Georgia and the seating in the back of the bus reserved for people of color. In the 1960s segregation and Jim Crow laws were everywhere in the South and not particularly subtle. At the time, those States voted solidly Democrat.
The election of Barack Hussein Obama in the wake of the nation’s long history of slavery, a Civil War, and the civil rights movement a century later was hailed as a victory for America. Even Obama’s Muslim connections were overlooked despite the shock of 9/11. During the campaign he had to renounce his pastor and longtime friend, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, an anti-Semite given to saying ugly things about America.
My friend wondered why Obama was not the greatest recruiting tool for white racists in the post-civil rights movement era. In 2008, however, David Peisner, writing for Esquire magazine, had interviewed leaders of white and black racist organizations discovering that, at least for publication, they had surprising things to say about the black candidate.
The Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan in the 1970’s, Tom Metzger, was surprisingly sanguine. “The corporations are running things now, so it’s not going to make much difference who’s in there (the White House), but McCain could be much worse.” Having read Obama’s “Dreams of My Father”, Metzger professed to have found a kindred soul, calling Obama a black racist instead of a white one.
By contrast, Ron Edwards, the Imperial Wizard of the Imperial Klans of America, was less philosophical. “All he’s living off of is the color of his skin to get elected. I don’t think America wants a black President.” Erich Gliebe, Chairman of the National Alliance, thought that “Obama might be a better candidate for our cause because he’s racially conscious”, ironically adding that “My only problem with Obama is perhaps he’s not black enough.”
A black racist, Yahanna of the Israelite School of Universal Practical Knowledge, was not enthusiastic about Obama. “The disappointment we’re going to suffer from him is going to set us back another fifty years.” Louis Farrakhan, leader of the Nation of Islam, however, declared him “the messiah” during Obama’s campaign.
We tend to take the acts of violence by individuals associated with some movement or group and extrapolate them to the entire group. Von Brunn, 88 years old and a serious nut job even by white racist standards, was the first of his kind in years to act out his hatred to call attention to his cause.
Americans have been far more concerned with the prospect of another Islamic attack than the likes of von Brunn. The recent killing of an Army recruiter by a black Muslim convert and the arrest of a Muslim cell, also of converts bent on violence, suggests this remains the primary threat to the nation.
The mainstream media have for decades striven heartily to avoid calling attention to the leftist orientation of the many environmental organizations at work in the nation. The political strife of the 1960s culminating in the attacks by the Weather Underground, a faction of the Students for a Democratic Society, acted upon their socialist beliefs. One of them, William Ayers, held the first political fund raiser for Barack Obama.
In a similar fashion, the terrorist acts of the Animal Liberation Front and the Earth Liberation Front are never described in the media as radical leftist organizations, but they most surely are.
Even the most casual review of politically radical groups over recent past decades reveals that they are uniformly leftist and this culminates with ACORN, the alleged community organizers whose purpose seems to be to steal elections for Democrats.
Thus, in concert with the mainstream media, the effort today is to convince Americans that they should fear “right wing extremists” by seizing upon the Holocaust Museum murder. Even the Homeland Security Department under the leadership of Janet Napolitano is putting out this message.
This is a classic example of the pot calling the kettle black. It also demonstrates the power of left wing propaganda and its compliant partner, the mainstream media.
Lincoln said it best. "You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time."
A lot of Americans—liberals and conservatives, white and black—are coming to the conclusion that a very big mistake occurred when Barack Hussein Obama was elected President of the United States and I suspect a lot of members of Congress are coming to that conclusion as well.
I agree Mr. Caruba. And no, it dodn't take the media long to link this nut with the "right wing", and some, strangely enough (I say that sarcastically) link this guy with Christians as well. Pitiful really, but not unexpected. There has been a double standard for a long time now. It goes for crazy people and terrorists too, it seems. God Bless you Mr. Caruba
I found your comment about Yahanna to be particularly interesting. In a predominately black neighborhood in Columbus, Ohio, I saw a billboard last week that I need to get a photo of and send to you, if it's still there. It was an advertisement for a weekend revival, and the title of the program was "Coping with the letdown after the Victory ... or something to that effect. It struck me as very ironic that the man everyone had worked so hard to elect was already being exposed for the fraud that he is. What a shame that nobody listened to us during the campaign, when we were screaming the truth at the top of our lungs. It's encouraging though, to see that even his biggest supporters are waking up. Perhaps, if we can make it through the next four years of hell, the next election cycle will bring some more rational voting. That's assuming we can find someone better than the likes of John McCain to run ....
Success is the important thing. Propaganda is not a matter for average minds, but rather a matter for practitioners. It is not supposed to be lovely or theoretically correct. I do not care if I give wonderful, aesthetically elegant speeches, or speak so that women cry. The point of a political speech is to persuade people of what we think right. That is a matter of practice, not of theory. We do not want to be a movement of a few straw brains, but rather a movement that can conquer the broad masses. Propaganda should be popular, not intellectually pleasing. It is not the task of propaganda to discover intellectual truths.
-Joseph Goebbels- Propaganda minister of Adolf Hitler
I'm very awed the Obama can give these eloquent speeches and even have doctors taken in by them. He is truly a master of propaganda and deceit. I've also noticed that he uses the "fear" tactic a lot. Fear has always been used by leftist organizations. Fear is a motivator, sometimes stronger than love. He uses it(fear) even against the so called "Intellectual". The word 'fear' may mean something negative but really, used well, it produces the same effect as 'urgency'.
I believe HE will use these incidents (Halocaust Center) to push through 'gun laws'. When this happens we will be faced with dictatorship and I don't believe a benign one either.
Jesse: Osama can try to push his gun control through, but this isn't Europe, or Australia. America is still the "wild west" .... even if he manages to pass laws that make some honest, law abiding citizens hand in their weapons, there will still be MILLIONS of guns in circulation. Like they always say ... When it becomes criminal to own a gun, only criminals will own guns. Some guns will be in the hands of true criminals, but many will be in the hands of regular citizens. They may find they have been turned into quasi-criminals by the new laws, but they will still defend their right to bear arms to defend themselves. With all of Osama's recent assaults on our Constitution and our way of life, people are already in the process of re-defining who they are actually defending themselves from, and they will do whatever is necessary to hang on to their guns. Any attempt to disarm the patriotic populous of this country will deepen the rift between them and the government, and the result will be anarchy. The man is living in a fantasy world, and I don't think he has any idea what he's up against. He thinks he's going to organize some sort of "civilian militia" to implement his grand plan, but he's going to find himself outnumbered and outgunned. Ever see the movie "Red Dawn"? Wolverines!!!!
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