We have a
Secretary of the Treasury, Timothy, Geithner, calling for an end to debt
ceilings, apparently believing that America can continue to borrow money to pay
for the interest on its escalating debt, now pegged at $16 trillion and growing
daily. The U.S. borrows $4 billion a day. Anyone with a credit card knows that
their payments increase as they struggle to deal with their personal debt. Eventually
they either declare bankruptcy or turn to companies that negotiate a payment to
release them.
If America
was to default on its debt, the dollar, already in free fall, would be worth
nothing. We would be bartering shiny beads and anything else to buy food and
other necessaries. We would become Zimbabwe where you need a million of their
dollars to buy a loaf of bread.
recently on her Fox Business blog, Gerri Willis spelled out the huge rise in
taxes Americans are facing. “All told, next year,
total taxes will go to almost 50% for the middle class; the very group that the
president says he wants to protect. That means 50 cents out of every dollar
earned has to go to the government. Half of everything will go to an entity
that didn't earn that money, and shouldn't be entitled to all that dough.”
What kind
of madness is it that the Teamsters union would impose such senseless rules
that it would weaken Hostess to the point of bankruptcy, preferring to let the
company die rather than to protect the jobs of 18,500 bakers? Other unions are
engaged in attacks on a weakened economy. What kind of nation is it that its
government employees are lobbying Congress to not only increase their pay, but
to exempt them from the impact of the spending cuts scheduled to kick in?
There is a
full-scale attack on the privacy Americans have taken for granted, protected by
the fourth Amendment that says “The right of the people to be secure in their
persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and
seizures, shall not be violated…”
November 14th, the Heritage Foundation asked “Do you trust the
government with your computer?” The government has had “13 breaches and failures
of its own cybersecurity just in the last six months.” Even so, “the President and his allies in the
Senate are pushing forward to regulate America’s cyber-doings, without any
clues about how much this will cost or how it will work.”
“It has
become the norm with this President—if Congress fails to accomplish his
objectives, he goes around it with executive orders and federal regulations.
He’s doing it again. Congress did not pass the Cybersecurity Act of 2012 before
the election, so the President has issued a draft of an executive order to put
much of that legislation in place without lawmakers voting.”
This is
the very essence of tyranny and the President has had four years to perfect it.
Are conservative think tanks the only ones paying any attention? It would
appear so.
A new
proposed law in the Senate would strip Americans of any privacy as they
communicate with one another by email. A vote for the law would allow warrantless access to American’s email
and is scheduled for a vote shortly. It would allow 22 federal agencies as well
as state and local law enforcement to access one’s emails with nothing more
than a subpoena. This is totally unconstitutional.
$16 trillion in debt, the government is looking for ways to take over the $3
trillion that is held in private retirement plans such as 401(k) plans and
IRA’s. A recent hearing by the Treasury and Labor Departments addressed the
nationalization of the nation’s pension system. The director of the National
Senior’s Council, Robert Crone, warns “It is clear that this is the first step
towards a government takeover. It feels just like the beginning of the debate
over health care and we all know how that ended up.”
As we move
closer to an Electoral College vote confirming Obama’s reelection,
whistleblowers are coming forth in Ohio, Florida and elsewhere to reveal that
significant voter fraud was a contributing factor, but it receives little or no
media coverage. One must ask how 99% of votes in Philadelphia districts went to
Obama and ask why nothing is being done to investigate this and other offenses
such as the 141.1% of the vote recorded in Florida’s St. Lucie County. That is
statistically impossible, but it robbed Rep. Allen West (R) of his seat in
This isn’t
government. It is gangsterism. It is “the Chicago way.”
monster Homeland Security Agency just graduated its first class of FEMA Corps,
kids aged 18-24, recruited from the President’s Americorps volunteers, that
will become a full time, paid standing army. Fears of FEMA camps abound and in
the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, people seeking shelter and food were herded
into one that resembled a concentration camp of the Nazi regime and told not to
use various means of communication to contact the media or outside community.
They went from hurricane victims to prisoners of the government.
In so many
ways, the freedoms protected by the U.S. Constitution are in danger of
disappearing along with the separation of powers it requires.
wonder that citizen’s petitions from a growing number of states are called for
secession. Or that governors are refusing to set up the Obamacare exchanges
required by a law that has taken control of twenty percent of the nation’s
economy; their budgets held hostage to Medicaid.
On an
individual level, people who have jobs are fearful of losing them. College
graduates are fearful of the huge debt they carry for the loans they received.
People wonder if they can afford to get married. Married couples fear the cost
of having another child. Homeowners fear not being able to pay their mortgages.
Seniors fear that their savings won’t last as they live longer.
There is
ample reason to fear not only the collapse of the nation’s economy, but the
loss of liberty in America.
© Alan
Caruba, 2012
Obama in America and Morsi in Egypt seem to have a lot in common. Both are grabbing as much power as possible and a lot of people in both countries don't like it.
I wonder if you, Alan, and those of us who comment on Warning Signs are already on some government watch list. I expect Obama to soon go aggressively after our guns. You're right, there is a lot of fear out there these days.
I wonder, too, if I am on some watch list.
Obama and his cronies want to be able to monitor their enemies via their private emails and correspondence. The Liberals don't care about this - yet - as they know Obama won't be watching them. What they forget is that one day the pendulum will swing back and then watch them run around like headless chickens. Can you imagine if Bush had introduced this EO? Maybe Americans should protest outside the WH as the Egyptians are currently protesting and rioting in Cairo! Maybe then some of the brainless, clueless MSM will actually wake up and see what their hero is doing to their privacy...
Thank you for another well reasoned and fact based editorial on the steady march of the Obama Federal Government to totalitarianism!
The upside is like all such efforts to chain mankind to the prison wall, this campaign is doomed to failure either in the short term, or the long run.
The downside is that like the late Soviet Union, the Socialist monster may live for over 70 years before the inevitable collapse.
What can be done to stop the fall of night?
Nothing effective, I'm afraid.
We are all at the mercy of events.
@Hugh Petersen:
Speaking as one who has been on the Federal Watch List for many years - my humble opinion is that it's something one can get used to in time - and perhaps inspire one to write great Solzhenitsyn style GULAG books.
In fact, one positive upside is that when one travels about the country, friendly federal agents are always at the airport as a sort of Welcome Wagon, and are always willing to give one a free ride to the hotel.
I give high marks to the federal agents in San Diego, who were there in force to meet and greet me at the AMTRAK station and provided free transportation to my hotel.
Of course, when the mass oppression starts soon, I'm sure the Triple A service in regards to those on the Watch List will hit the skids, but as it stands today the service is still excellent.
@Lime Lite:
Well said - what comes around, goes around.
In other words, if the Left destroys the U.S. Constitution, what's to prevent an Napoleonic type Fascist dictator from the destruction of the Left?
This was the main lesson of the French Revolution - when the radical Jacobins (Communists) made a real mess of the country it wasn't long until Bonaparte The Fascist took control and created a secret police force that ruthlessly purged the opposition Leftists.
It has long been said that Americans would never tolerate a Communist government for long, but they would find a Fascist regime acceptable.
@Alan - Don't wonder, assume you are on some watch list!
ALL Conservative bloggers are on a *watch list*, but I have NO FEAR... I can only be killed once, and *LIVE FREE OR DIE* still rings true for me..
Me, too, Fred.
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