The popular TV series, “Hawaii Five-O”, made the line, “Book’m, Danno”, famous as a signoff. The world has surely arrived at a point when we need to say, “Nuke’m” to nations like North Korea and Iran. There simply is no alternative.
Well, not exactly. There is an alternative and it involves North Korea selling a small nuclear weapon to some Islamofascist to smuggle into the United States and destroy one or more of our cities and millions of our citizens.
The memory of the recent slaughter of 3,000 of our countrymen is already fading swiftly.
Soon enough, Iran will be making their own such devices and, since the United States has been their “Great Satan” for the past three decades, they too may choose this option. It is more likely they will fulfill their mission to bring about the return of the Twelfth Imam, a mythical Islamic Shiite figure, by plunging the world into a nuclear holocaust.
Perhaps it will begin with a nuclear attack on Israel, though Israel’s history suggests they will not let that happen. Having risen like the phoenix from the ashes of the Holocaust they will not permit such evil.
All this is occurring at a time when we have a pacifist in the White House who is just too eager to “extend the olive branch” to Iran and to scold North Korean instead of marshaling the world’s nations to impose sanctions that will bring its government to ruin.
A nation has to get lucky in its choice of leaders in times like these and the United States is the most unlucky of nations to have fallen into the hands of Barack Obama and his Democrat toadies in a Congress led by two of the greatest ignoramuses to have held the offices of Senate Majority Leader and Speaker of the House.
“History teaches that wars begin when governments believe the price of aggression is cheap,” said Ronald Reagan, noting too that “If history teaches anything, it teaches self-delusion in the face of unpleasant facts is folly.”
It is folly to think Iran is not working night and day to make its own nuclear weapons and it is folly to think they will not use them.
It is folly to think that North Korea can be contained and can be restrained from continuing to make nuclear weapons and the missiles to carry them because the latest test of an atomic device and firing of missiles was North Korea’s way of advertising its wares for sale.
North Korea has been described as China’s dagger, a rogue nation presumably under its control, to keep the United States tied up in South Korea since the truce in 1953 that left a permanent state of war between the two halves of that vast peninsula. North Korea threatens both South Korea and Japan, American allies. If it were not so useful, China could crush it in the course of a week’s time.
What we do know is that, most recently, North Korea was assisting Syria in the construction of a nuclear facility until Israel turned it into a parking lot. North Korea is a global arms merchant that will sell to anyone with the cash to buy their deadly merchandise.
Not all the pretenses of the United Nations have any useful impact on North Korea, nor has the UN been of any use in the Middle East that just packed its human rights council with representatives of the worst despots on earth. The United States funds a quarter of its budget.
It is doubtful that President Obama has a clue regarding the history of the past half century, the reason the Korean War was fought, the reformation of China from a crazed Maoist third-rate nation into one that has embraced capitalism in all but name. It is doubtful, too, that the lessons of World War II, the appeasement of the Nazi regime, the butchery and plundering undertaken by the 20th century imperialist Japanese Empire has penetrated his mind.
Presidents Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon and Ford understood the threat. Neither Presidents Carter, nor Clinton did. President Reagan did, along with Presidents George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush.
For President Obama who along with Clinton never wore a military uniform, any attack on the United States is the fault of the United States. He is utterly devoted to the belief that common ground can be found with Islamic fanatics whose goal is a global caliphate.
The United States is seen by many around the world these days as a wounded giant, a failing economic power. As such our enemies will see these times as perfect for an attack. We have replaced a President who warned the world that America would launch a preemptive attack if threatened with a President whose first instinct is to apologize for America’s past policies and actions.
Having just celebrated Memorial Day to honor the men and women who gave their lives to protect history’s most unique experiment in self-government, in freedom, and in liberty, we have arrived at a point in time when all the signs point to the loss of our nation to those devoted to our destruction.
We are a nation that will not defend our southern border against the wholesale invasion of millions of illegal aliens, bleeding us of billions to provide healthcare, to educate their children, to live with the crime they bring to our streets. The President has stopped the building of a fence to slow that tide and proposes to close the detention center of its most rabid Islamic enemies.
We shall either summon the courage to act in our defense or we shall be a chapter in the book written by our enemies, describing how we hesitated…and lost.
Mr. Caruba,
Nuke 'em! Knock off the leaders of N. Korea and Iran and half of the civilian population to boot! And for those who don't like it? Well, piss on 'em! right?
Heckuva scenario you've got on your mind. Don't like someone, go beat the snot out of 'em, & if they don't like it, too bad, right?
And send the whole world right down the toilet. Nuke'm, Danno!" That is falling-out-of-the-tree nuts!
Jorge Tostada
Could you clarify your statement, ..."President Obama, the first modern President to have never worn a military uniform...". I don't believe Billy Jeff Clinton ever wore one, but I could be mistaken.
"For President Obama, the first modern President to have never worn a military uniform"
You forgot Clinton.
I know, easy to forget...
What is the alternative? I do not advocate killing civilians, only the facilities used to make the warheads, bombs and missiles.
The alternative is to wait for those weapons of mass destruction to be used on us.
I stand corrected. Clinton did not serve.
Clinton served his toady masters, never our Nation. His hatred for the military and what happened to it under his watch will go down in the annals of "treason never prosecuted". The leaders who emerged during his tenure as CInC, had lost their zeal for service, as well. Their record of demanding "political correctness" in the military services has cost us dearly in espirit de corps and lives lost in battle. Until we realize that there is a world war going on with radical Islam and those who support it in any way, we are destined for slavery and worse.
North Korea is surely the PRC's problem, and surely the PRC doesn't want its SE Asian marketplace to become a battleground...it's hard to see the PRC colluding with a backward fleabag country like NK.
I agree, Obama doesn't have the will to do anything other than apologise for the USA's success and existence, and a better man would be easy to find, but surely at least some of his advisers have their feet on the ground...
Hi Mr. Caruba. It is interesting to see how things get horrible in this world when we have leaders who do not believe in evil. To the liberals, there is no such thing. People (to them) are only "bad" because they are uneducated or trodden down by the empiracle white man.
When they don't believe in evil, they don't understand the nature of a religious regime such as Islam. People scream in this country whenever Christians speak out- thinking we want to bring about a theocracy (not so!) But on the other hand, they pander to the real theocracies, not believing that to Islam, it is not only a religious idealism- but a political one as well. They are one and the same to Muslims. When we have leaders who like to think all religions are equal- while at the same time telling Christian leaders we need to "come together" etc., but ignoring the fact that true Muslims will NEVER cave in to the peace and unity crowd we have running Washington.
Our leaders better wake up and realize that, yes- evil is real, and they will not stop until either they or us are DEAD.
God Bless you, and thank you.
Am I the only one who could care less if North Korea or Iran has nukes? Everyone keeps talking about how crazy Kim Jong Il is, but the Soviet Union had nukes and Kruschev was beating his shoe on the podium at the UN. We survived that. Both Iran and N. Korea are nation states who know perfectly well what would happen if they attacked Israel or South Korea. They may be authoritarian, but they're not suicidal. Why does Iran hate us? Because we've been meddling in their internal affairs for decades. Wanna stop terrorism? Stop the US foreign policy that is simply a continuation of the British imperialism that we fought a revolution to get out from under.
Daut: You may well be alone in believing that neither North Korea or Iran will use their nukes. In particular Iran whose Shiite religious/cult beliefs include an apocolypse of war before the 12th Imam can return. Islam teaches that jihad must be waged and whoever dies in jihad is a martyr who goes straight to paradise. Learn more, Daut, and you will change your opinion
Let's not forget that not only are North Korea and Iran a VERY real threat in themselves, but they also support most of our other enemies. Either one would happily enable one of these rogue groups to do their dirty work, thereby avoiding the retalitory strike "daut" mentions. People think that television shows like 24 are just wild conjecture, but I assure you, that show was based on very real intelligence information that we have gathered. These groups are actively looking for ways to obtain weapons of mass destruction, and they have every intention of using them. The fewer sources they have access to, the better off we all are. At least that's my opinion. But then again, I'm not an America hating - we're responsible for all the world's problems - apologize to everyone for everything - we're oppressive because we're successful - tear our country down to the ground and be happy moron....
We are not quite to Nuke'em yet, but we do need to show some claws.
First we need to inspire our allies to grow some spine. Why do we maintain 30,000 troops in S. Korea when it has 40 times the wealth of the North? The sight of our soldiers' backs might work wonders.
Declaring Islamic law to be seditious might also show some serious intent.
I do believe you said it right, Alan, first sentence in Para 16 ...
"For President Obama who along with Clinton never wore a military uniform, ......"
The forces arranged against the West, the US in particular, are getting stronger. A nuclear Iran is a fearsome prospect and while the world blabbers on and effects (appeasement) diplomacy towards it Iran beavers away towards a bomb.
A conventional assault against Iran is already a non-starter because they have now SAMs and SSMs that make Exocets look like ping-pong balls - simply so devastating that a US fleet in the Gulf would be devestated. That door is closed. That leaves one door opened (notwithstanding the constant, inneffectual 'diplomacy').
Time is getting short; 9.11 was but a sideshow of what they REALLY want to do and it is not a matter of 'if' but 'when'.
I suspect though, because of the horrible consequences of the 'last door', nothing that is required will be done and accomodations will be effected when Iran has a nuclear capability; North Korea likewise.
“Guy,” I recommend reading Imperial Hubris by Michael Scheuer, who isn't an America hating happy moron by any stretch of the imagination, for a pretty good explanation of why Muslims hate America.
Daut, spread your wings. Scheuer read only what bin Laden said to Americans in English, not what he said to Saudis in Arabic.
See Raymond Ibrahim, "The Al-Qaeda Reader."
RADICAL Muslims hate America, and Americans, because we aren't Muslims. Plain and simple. Their agenda is clear, and their methods are well known. I couldn't give a rats ass why someone who wants to kill me wants to kill me. I don't want to understand, I don't want to negotiate, and I don't want to run and hide. All I want to do is PREVENT them from killing me, and if at all possible, kill them first. End of story ...
Sadly, the hard part is trying to figure out who is a RADICAL Muslim, and who isn't. The peaceful Muslims among us have done very little to help us identify our enemies, and as a result, they've become guilty by association. As our ex-commander-in-chief George W. Bush said, "you're either with us, or you're against us". Truer words have never been spoken. Our current President will say nothing of the sort. It's obvious that he has nothing but contempt for America, and I think it's becoming quite clear whose side he's on. And THAT is why I thought it was an act of lunacy to elect a man with a questionable, and possibly Muslim background. Let's hope the checks and balances in our system can keep whatever radical ideologies he may have from ruining our country.
RADICAL Muslims hate America, and Americans, because we aren't Muslims. Plain and simple. Their agenda is clear, and their methods are well known. I couldn't give a rats ass why someone who wants to kill me wants to kill me. I don't want to understand, I don't want to negotiate, and I don't want to run and hide. All I want to do is PREVENT them from killing me, and if at all possible, kill them first. End of story ...
Sadly, the hard part is trying to figure out who is a RADICAL Muslim, and who isn't. The peaceful Muslims among us have done very little to help us identify our enemies, and as a result, they've become guilty by association. As our ex-commander-in-chief George W. Bush said, "you're either with us, or you're against us". Truer words have never been spoken. Our current President will say nothing of the sort. It's obvious that he has nothing but contempt for America, and I think it's becoming quite clear whose side he's on. And THAT is why I thought it was an act of lunacy to elect a man with a questionable, and possibly Muslim background. Let's hope the checks and balances in our system can keep whatever radical ideologies he may have from ruining our country.
With every bomb dropped and innocent Muslim detained or killed (and many innocents have suffered at American's hands in the war on terror, you have to grant that, right?) more and more non-radical Muslims become radicalized. Whatever Osama may have said to the Saudis, regular people aren't going to take up jihad except for in extreme circumstances. Foreign troops in their Holy Lands and a Crusade (as George Bush initially called the WOT, more true words from him) provide such circumstances, along with high rates of poverty, US support for corrupt Arab leaders, and unconditional support for Israel. And it's not about blaming America for everything, there's a lot of blame to go around, the Brits and Soviets in particular aren't without blame for past colonialist adventures. Islam needs reform, but true reform comes from within; regime change and meddling from the US discredits reformists and, in the end, breeds the terrorism that you claim to want to prevent. No one is saying you have to run and hide, but America's role in the world shouldn't be as it's police.
During the Soviet war in Afghanistan, the CIA taught Afghanis jihad (http://emperors-clothes.com/news/abc.htm). Since WWII, the US and USSR played a game of chess with people's lives all over the world, and now our paws are well armed, experienced, and more than happy to turn on us.
Daut: This is typical liberal drivel that ignores the harsh realities, not the least of which is that jihad is a central pillar of Islam and, of the 19 Saudis on 9/11, several had--by our standards--every reason to live in order to pursue their careers, take care of their families, etc. THEY DON'T THINK LIKE THAT.
As for blaming the U.S., why were terrorist acts committed in London, in Madrid, in Bali and in Mumbai? This is a worldwide jihad.
And, yes, the U.S. is the world's policeman because no one else will stand up against the evil. (We were joined by the Brits in Iraq, but most Western nations have failed to step up.)
Neither your facts, nor your emotional approach, stand up to serious examination.
Daut, let me try to summarize your position without putting words in your mouth.
1. Everyone involved in the present war must share the blame.
2. You are not saying that Americans need to run and hide.
You make several proposals:
1. America should not be the world's police and should not interfere as Iran and N. Korea secure nuclear weapons.
2. America should stop the war on terror and remove all troops from Islamic countries and stop our efforts to create an empire.
3. America should be less supportive of Israel.
4. Islam needs reform, but only from within. We should not press Islam to reform.
I agree that America does not have the resources or political will to be world cop. At least without serious support from other large countries with clout.
The remainder of your program seems to rely heavily on the assumption that if we leave Muslims alone, they will leave us alone.
The issues between Islam and America are much larger and deeper than the issues you cite. They cannot afford to leave us alone because they are caught in a tidal wave of globalized commerce and media, with attendant secularization that will transform their civilization if they cannot find some way to counter it.
We cannot allow them to respond to the tidal wave with violence.
OK, Daut, so with every bomb dropped, an "innocent" Muslim becomes "radicalized". I don't doubt that. But, just exactly what is happening to each of us "innocent" non-Muslims throughout the world every time one of these stupid Jihadists sets off a bomb and kills one of our friends, family members, loved ones, or fellow citizens? I'm guessing we're becoming a little "radicalized" ourselves, with good reason, and we're ready to put an end to this conflict, one way or another.
Here's what I'm at a loss to understand from those who think that America (or Britain) is to blame for all of this...
Why is it OK for Muslim terrorists to take their pot-shots at us, but if we respond, we're the bad guys? Alan sums it up beautifully when he says that "jihad is a central pillar of Islam". These idiots march to a different drummer, and frankly, I think they are a sick bunch of people. Like a rabid animal, they will never respond to reason or negotiation, and once they declare their intent to destroy us, we have no choice but to destroy them first. It's such a simple concept ...
I also wonder what would happen if some group in the U.S., let's say Catholics, announced that they were going on a campaign against Baptists, and wouldn't rest until they were all eliminated. I'm guessing people would scream "hate crime", or "racism", or whatever, and wouldn't tolerate it for a moment, no matter what reasons were given for it. So why is it OK for radical Muslims to target non-Muslims and then get a pass on it because they're angry with them? Just curious ....
As far as being the world's policeman, well, I'm guessing that if we sat back and did nothing every time one of these conflicts arose, the same people that think we're meddling now would be screaming their lungs out for us to step in and take action. Case in point: The day after 9/11, they were screaming "why didn't our government do something to protect us?" and today, they're saying our government caused it.
Their opinion changes with every shift in the political wind, swinging from left to right like some sort of emotional weather vane. Some people are just never happy, and if they want to wallow in their guilt and shame, and blame themselves or their country for the world's problems, that's fine with me. I just hope they have the sense to stay out of the way of all the good people who are trying to protect our country and our way of life.
OK, Daut, so with every bomb dropped, an "innocent" Muslim becomes "radicalized". I don't doubt that. But, just exactly what is happening to each of us "innocent" non-Muslims throughout the world every time one of these stupid Jihadists sets off a bomb and kills one of our friends, family members, loved ones, or fellow citizens? I'm guessing we're becoming a little "radicalized" ourselves, with good reason, and we're ready to put an end to this conflict, one way or another.
Here's what I'm at a loss to understand from those who think that America (or Britain) is to blame for all of this...
Why is it OK for Muslim terrorists to take their pot-shots at us, but if we respond, we're the bad guys? Alan sums it up beautifully when he says that "jihad is a central pillar of Islam". These idiots march to a different drummer, and frankly, I think they are a sick bunch of people. Like a rabid animal, they will never respond to reason or negotiation, and once they declare their intent to destroy us, we have no choice but to destroy them first. It's such a simple concept ...
I also wonder what would happen if some group in the U.S., let's say Catholics, announced that they were going on a campaign against Baptists, and wouldn't rest until they were all eliminated. I'm guessing people would scream "hate crime", or "racism", or whatever, and wouldn't tolerate it for a moment, no matter what reasons were given for it. So why is it OK for radical Muslims to target non-Muslims and then get a pass on it because they're angry with them? Just curious ....
As far as being the world's policeman, well, I'm guessing that if we sat back and did nothing every time one of these conflicts arose, the same people that think we're meddling now would be screaming their lungs out for us to step in and take action. Case in point: The day after 9/11, they were screaming "why didn't our government do something to protect us?" and today, they're saying our government caused it.
Their opinion changes with every shift in the political wind, swinging from left to right like some sort of emotional weather vane. Some people are just never happy, and if they want to wallow in their guilt and shame, and blame themselves or their country for the world's problems, that's fine with me. I just hope they have the sense to stay out of the way of all the good people who are trying to protect our country and our way of life.
Alan, I specifically wrote that America isn't to blame for everything. But if the 'islomofascists' really hated freedom enough to kill and die for their beliefs, they would have attacked Holland, a much more free country than America.
Jan, pretty much. I would cut off all contact with Israel until they got rid of the settlements, which are illegal by their own standards and a big roadblocks to peace.
Well Guy, it wasn't all that long ago that Catholics and Protestants were blowing each other up on a pretty regular basis. Some of the same dynamics were at play as in the war on terror, but they managed to work things out, more or less.
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