Monday, October 4, 2010

Fewer large crowds for Obama these days

Unable to draw a crowd these days, Obama has switched to "back yard" sessions.


Anonymous said...

In a fit of terminal masochism, I watched a few minutes of the usual drivel from Our Fearless Leader. That led to an inspirational flash of identification: He's a genuine, certified, walking, talking example of the infamous Duckbill Platitudinous!

Alan Caruba said...

Others are beginning to notice he talks is platitudes and seems to have no real knowledge of history, among other things.

He's less interested in facts and more interested in his socialist agenda. It distorts everything he says.

Anonymous said...

It was obvious in 2008 that the sonorous platitudes rolling trippingly from the teleprompter were swaying the gullible into believing that meaningful statements were being made.

Reminded me of newsreels of 1930s Germany...