By Alan
For the
past week, I have been spending time in the tenth century—the 900s—that led
ultimately to the concept of “Europe” as nation-states we know today as
Germany, France, Spain, and Italy. Across the Channel, England, Ireland and
Scotland were besieged by the Vikings who also attacked Europe along with the Magyars who ravaged Europe from the East.

Though the
early Catholic Church was the plaything of various warring parties, it was the
glue of society, infusing all aspects of life despite being the plaything of
warring “nobles”, men who sought property and power while providing protection
for those under their control. Seen as the Dark Ages from which Europe would
emerge centuries hence during the Renaissance, it was the many monasteries of
the time that would preserve the knowledge of the ancient Greeks and Romans to
pass it on to future generations.
All were
united against the spread of Islam that began in the seventh century and which
controlled Spain and would be stopped in France in 732 and later outside of
Vienna in 1683. It is a battle that rages today as the jihad of the past is
being played out in our times. It was a brutal century that concluded the first
millennium and one in which the Christianity triumphed over the paganism of the
era, eventually converting the Vikings and Magyars.
the tenth century, life was essentially local with few, except for pilgrims who
traveled to Rome and other sites of veneration. Most people did not travel much
farther than sixty miles or less from where they lived. One was considered an
adult by age 15, people wed by their twenties, and the average life expectancy
was 35. The vast bulk of the population was tied to the land, fearful of
venturing out at night, entering the forests only to secure wood for
construction and to warm homes that were often shared with their livestock.
“nobles” of the time had rare exceptions of those who encouraged literacy and
learning, but most were just warlords. “With insecurity reigning everywhere,
people looked to magnates and local warlords to shield them from rapine,
brigandage, land-grabbing, feuds, and atrocities by neighboring warlords on the
lookout to extend their territories.”
weather could kill crops and result in widespread starvation, Pestilence would
take still more lives at a time when healthcare was non-existent. The weather
was perceived as in the control of supernatural forces and in this regard
current fears that humans are affecting natural events such as hurricanes
reflects the ignorance that infused the people of the 900s. “For us the natural
world is ordered, self-sustaining, and explained by science; for them it was
was the order of the day. There was no authority present as in the case of
today’s nation-states and those who ruled large areas were dependent on local
nobles to enforce whatever passed for the law. “Kings were personal, rather
than territorial, rules…their authority became real only when they were
present…a ‘kingdom’ as a geographical entity was an abstraction that made no
sense.” People did not see themselves as French or German since these nations
did not exist.
noted the “extraordinary personal nature of violence in the tenth century.
People attacked each other individually or clan attacked clan, and the duty of
payback was widespread. Battles were horrid hand-to-hand combats fought with
axes and other weapons that inflicted lethal wounds. To the extent that our
local news begins with the murders de jour it often struck me while reading the
book that we have not progressed much and the terror used by today’s Islamists
is not much different than that of the past; an instrument to advance their
religion, fought as often among each other as against all others.
millennium saw the beginning of long-term social change that would eventually become
Western European civilization. After a century or more of the disintegration of
central government and authority and the reality of almost constant low-level
warfare…people started to feel generally safer from external attack”
represented by the Vikings and Magyars.
church was the cohesive driver that bound together the disparate elements that
make up our cultural inheritance and was the energy that drove the process
forward.” In our times, religion, Christianity, has been under attack as our nation
as has accepted abortion has the law of the land, killing millions in the womb,
and as same-sex marriage undermines the ancient tradition of a norm that is the
bedrock of society. The threat of life under Sharia law threatens the whole of
Western civilization.
In this
regard, the first century of the second millennium mirrors much of the threats
that existed over a thousand years ago in Europe.
© Alan
Caruba, 2013
Yes, it does seem that a "New Age of Anarchy And Murder" 10th century style is throwing its dark shadow over Western Civilization in the 21st century, and if I didn't know my history as well as I do, I'd say the game is pretty much over for the West.
But I know this 2,500 year old West World is a tough old bird that often takes a lick'n from the barbarians of this planet, but keeps on tick'n.
"the early Catholic Church was the plaything of various warring parties,"
What a great sentence! I love it. This notion solves so many of our perceptions about Christianity being the most bloodthirsty of all religions over time.
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