By Alan Caruba
“The most common of all follies is to believe passionately in the palpably not true. It is the chief occupation of mankind.” -- H.L. Mencken
Does this make sense to you?
The President is closing in on his first hundred days in office, but records that would normally be made available during the course of a campaign or on request have not been made available.
They include:
Occidental College records
Columbia College records
Columbia Thesis paper
Selected Service Registration
Medical records
Illinois State Senate Schedule
Certified copy of original Birth Certificate
Embossed, signed paper Certification of Live Birth
Record of baptism
This President who keeps calling for “transparency” has one of the most opaque “paper trails” of his own life. There must be a reason, right?
What is “Torture”?
The controversy over whether the United States “tortures” people known to engage in terrorist plots against our nation includes condemnations of such practices as:
Water boarding
Sleep deprivation
Food deprivation
Continuous music
Lights on all the time
Confinement to a small cell
Meanwhile, jihadist websites and others in the Middle East have shown videos of the following:
Hostages being beheaded
Homosexuals being hanged
Improvised explosive devices killing American soldiers
Snipers killing American soldiers
In some Middle Eastern nations:
Women are subject to “honor killings”
Women are gang raped based on nothing but an accusation
Women are buried up to their shoulders and stoned to death for adultery
Public floggings are a common practice
Hands are chopped off as criminal punishment
This goes on while some seek to portray America as an uncivilized nation that “tortures” in order to protect its citizens. Meanwhile, there is no reporting on our military's free medical clinics in Afghanistan that treat people who often walk for a day or more to get there.
Heating Up Support for a New Tax:
Three days of yet another Congressional charade wrapped up this week as proponents of legislation to impose “cap and trade” restrictions on energy use—a huge tax—trotted out witnesses to declare that “global warming” requires it.
When Al Gore testified, he neglected to mention that, since leaving the office of Vice President, he has made millions from the sale of carbon credits and his investments in companies making “green” technology. This legislation would make him even more wealthy. Add this to his lies about "global warming" and then draw your own conclusion.
And, it need be said loudly and often, there is NO global warming. The planet is in a ten-year-old cooling cycle.
History's immutable Lessons:
History is replete with examples of barbarity and deception. It is naïve to think we should be exempt just because we live in “modern” times.
I know that I have brought up Obama’s eligibility before, but this keeps getting more and more fascinating. As I initially stated; I thought that this whole thing was a little wacky in the beginning, because the guy who seems to have started it all seemed a little….well….wacky. Then I kept wondering why they just didn’t show the original birth certificate? Then the governor of the state of Hawaii sealed that information. Why?
Now there are attorneys working diligently to prevent anyone from having access by way of court order. This may be a long shot assumption on my part, but I would guess that they aren’t working for free, and they are threatening the latest attorney pursuing this issue with monetary sanctions. Why? If there isn’t anything to hide then why don’t they just show the original? No one seems to ask that question publically where someone has to answer publically. Not at the news briefs, not at news conferences and not to Obama directly. Why?
If it turns out the Obama really wasn’t qualified to be President as a result of his birth, what happens? Let’s say the Supreme Court hears this case and says…..you cannot be president, you are not a natural born citizen. Who removes him? If that should occur; what happens to all the bills and executive orders he signed? Do Obama and his supporters become eligible for criminal prosecution? Are those responsible for vetting his eligibility then become eligible for prosecution and or civil suits by those who donated money to his campaign? Are they liable to civil suits from any citizen whose company may have been damaged by his policies? Do those who benefited by his policies or received money have to return it? Can any citizen then sue or file a criminal complaint? Would this be considered fraud? What about all the costs incurred by him during this time that are paid for by the taxpayers? The costs to maintain a President of the U.S. is huge. Does he have to repay that? Can criminal or civil penalties be imposed for those costs? Isn’t that also fraud if he isn’t eligible?
Who becomes President? Joe Biden is currently Vice President, but the nation votes for the President, not the Vice President, so if Obama is out isn’t Biden also out also? Does the runner up, John McCain then become President and Sarah Palin Vice President?
Did I hear someone say “Constitutional Crisis”?
I know that I have brought up Obama’s eligibility before, but this keeps getting more and more fascinating. As I initially stated; I thought that this whole thing was a little wacky in the beginning, because the guy who seems to have started it all seemed a little….well….wacky. Then I kept wondering why they just didn’t show the original birth certificate? Then the governor of the state of Hawaii sealed that information. Why?
Now there are attorneys working diligently to prevent anyone from having access by way of court order. This may be a long shot assumption on my part, but I would guess that they aren’t working for free, and they are threatening the latest attorney pursuing this issue with monetary sanctions. Why? If there isn’t anything to hide then why don’t they just show the original? No one seems to ask that question publically where someone has to answer publically. Not at the news briefs, not at news conferences and not to Obama directly. Why?
If it turns out the Obama really wasn’t qualified to be President as a result of his birth, what happens? Let’s say the Supreme Court hears this case and says…..you cannot be president, you are not a natural born citizen. Who removes him? If that should occur; what happens to all the bills and executive orders he signed? Do Obama and his supporters become eligible for criminal prosecution? Are those responsible for vetting his eligibility then become eligible for prosecution and or civil suits by those who donated money to his campaign? Are they liable to civil suits from any citizen whose company may have been damaged by his policies? Do those who benefited by his policies or received money have to return it? Can any citizen then sue or file a criminal complaint? Would this be considered fraud? What about all the costs incurred by him during this time that are paid for by the taxpayers? The costs to maintain a President of the U.S. is huge. Does he have to repay that? Can criminal or civil penalties be imposed for those costs? Isn’t that also fraud if he isn’t eligible?
Who becomes President? Joe Biden is currently Vice President, but the nation votes for the President, not the Vice President, so if Obama is out isn’t Biden also out also? Does the runner up, John McCain then become President and Sarah Palin Vice President?
Did I hear someone say “Constitutional Crisis”?
Never mind the jihaddists - when the military or the police from Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Iraq, Syria, Egypt, and a number of other countries want to find out something, they will demonstrate methodology that leaves the evaluation "torture never works anyway" - in very serious question.
I'm glad I wasn't present for Al Gore's testimony. I would have been howling so loud at him that Capitol Police would have removed me from the premises in a straightjacket.
Rich: A Constitutional crisis, indeed! In my view, the entire election would be null and void, along with any thought that Joe Biden had any legal right to the office since it was secured by deception.
Brian: I never listen to Gore speak. And my guess is that, in the not too distant future, neither will scores of other people who come to the conclusion that he deserves nothing but our contempt.
For whatever feelings people may have about Bush43, he saved us from a presidency by this deeply flawed person. And history will recall, he kept the nation safe throughout his two terms.
By the way there is mostly no reason to torture "guests" of Guantanamo, anyway.
Those people are there for a reason, and they make no secret of their intentions.
When asked, "what do you plan to do if you are free?"
- the usual response is, "I'm going to get a car bomb and kill you and any other American I can find."
The subterfuge is ongoing. At last week's House Energy and Commerce Hearings Al Gore was given pole position at the Global warming session.
Yet again, the alternative , 'sceptical' view was severly suppressed when the scheduled appearance of Britain's Lord Christopher Monckton, alongside Gore, was cancelled. The excuse used by the House Democrats was that they didn't want Gore humiliated.
Of course, the good Lord's sound and solid testimony would have shredded Gore's hoax.
The House's refusal to hear Monckton's testimony speaks volumes. They KNOW Gore's testimony is false and that he would not last a minute in a reasoned science debate that Monckton could display; Gore would be humiliated. Gore as a personality counts more than the truth. The system has wrapped itself around Him in order to protect the AGW hypothesis and to hide its own intent.
In doing so the House has declared itself the defender of lies and liars, deceit and deception.
If further proof was needed about the direction in which governance is headed then this sham episode of an 'open' Hearing should be enough to make thinking people realise the extent into government the extremists are embedded
Freedom of Speech in this country means that if Al Gore needs to hear what a liar, thief, and abject criminal he is - he will hear it from me.
Gore is generally isolated from such outbursts by his handlers, but they can't make his surroundings to his liking everywhere.
Not that such outbursts would mean anything to Gore - he has no conscience anyhow. Rather, it is for (some of) the people around him, who may look within themselves and know the truth of those words - however unpleasant they might sound at the time.
Al Gore was fawned upon and received incincere awards from Hollywood communists and pink European politicians as a slap at George Bush. These people have no love for anything but themselves, and they evidently felt that incincere praise for Gore was a cute and clever way to demonstrate their nose-pinching disdain for Bush.
One day they will be sorry for their actions, if they have the potential to recognize that the shallowness within them is represented in Al Gore to a far more significant degree.
Mr. Caruba, I love reading your blog among others, but I have to say- I am getting a more and more sick feeling as every day goes by. It is scary how many people are so gaga over Obama. I can not stand listening to the MSN. I drive my husband nuts because I'm always yelling back at the TV. I haven't seen this much lying since Billary was in the Whitehouse! How do we keep from going mental during the next 3 and a half years?! God Bless!
Patience, Carolyn, patience.
Obama will shortly have his hands full as Pakistan threatens to fall to the Taliban along with Afghanistan. Then there's a real problem brewing in Mexico...home of the new swine flu showing up here (I wonder how that happened???)
But, worse, when General Motors and Chrysler go belly-up nothing will revive them including bankruptcy proceedings because Obama is pro-union and too Green to ever let the companies get back on their feet again by making cars people want to buy. And that adds up to another million or so folks out of work.
When they show up in Washington, DC, it is going to look like the bad old days of Vietnam War protests or those who wanted Nixon to get out of town as the Watergate scandal unfurled.
The world is going to get very ugly and Obama just has not got the smarts or the courage to deal with it. So things will get very ugly very soon.
Stay tuned, Carolyn, stay tuned.
Every time I hear about men doing some Obama fawning, or doing the "green" routine, or talking about "the future of Our Planet for the Children," or a host of other sappy activity that sounds like weak-kneed Unitarianism I want to yell:
"Where the hell's your pride? Don't you have ten cents of backbone to stand up and act like a man?"
Maybe these days, these remarks sound too sexist.
I'm completely dumfounded by
"The excuse used by the House Democrats was that they didn't want Gore humiliated."
Did they really say that? Do they not see that by saying that they're calling Gore^s whole stance into question?
I'd have though they'd bring up a "time constraint" or something. Meanwhile, are there any comments anywhere on Monckton's reaction - I did see his comment when his plane landed, I mean something later and more in depth.
Kendra, I think the interpretation "not wishing to see Gore humilated" came from Monckton alone.
I'm sure the official response from the House was, "we can't have Monckton on the program, we don't have enough time on the agenda" or something to that effect.
We need to revise the reference to 'hanging' to 'slow hanging'. The hanging execution process as known in the west is one in which the neck is broken suddenly without prolonged suffering.
In Iran the hangings are carried out by a crane which lifts the victim slowly. The victim wobbles and struggles hopelessly sometimes for quite a few minutes before succumbing to death.
We definitely do not know who we are dealing with.
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