This is a photo of George W. and Laura Bush, seen with the family of one of the Fort Hood soldiers who was shot by a MUSLIM TERRORIST. The Bushes showed up without an entourage. They drove in from their ranch and met with the hospitalized victims.
We have a President who will not say the word "terrorist" and has directed that no one in his administration refer to or say the words, "war on terrorism."
Thanks for posting this picture.
The Bushes went on their own (I'll assume they got permission/gave advance notice). No press releases from them, no photographer in tow.
Contrast that to current POTUS at Dover AFB and his slow arrival at Ft. Hood. At least he handled the speech OK...
George W. & Laura Bush have more class in their pinkie fingers than Obama, Mrs. Pres. & all their cohorts in the WH put together. Obama's are an embarrassment to represent Americans.
I would have never thought in years past, that our voters could descend into such a "classless" state - and celebrate it! I am so disgusted with the current state of civility in our government. The "in your face" attitude of the executive branch and their appointed fellows makes me cringe. IMHO it stems from disallowing any kind of discipline or respect for fundamentals throughout our entire educational system.
THAT is what a real man and president looks like!
I fear for our country. Agree with everything the previous commenters said. Thanks to the person that pointed me at this pic.
Sad to say, our current President also will not show respect to our flag by crossing his hand over his heart or saluting it... this scares me as this flag represents the country he is president of!
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