As 2012
winds down we have three Fridays left to prepare for Christmas and one after
that to contemplate the New Year and all that it entails. For conservatives
2012 has been a very bad year and I suspect many have not recovered from the
jolt of the November elections that renewed President Obama’s hold on the Oval

I surely
have not. I spent the last four years devoting lots of thought to the damage
Obama was inflicting on the economy and, by extension, the lives of Americans.
So, on this Friday, the volume of chatter about the looming “fiscal cliff” is
increasing with everyone, Washington insiders and observers, all fervently
hoping for “a last minute deal” to somehow avoid “taxamegon”, the greatest
increase in taxes ever.
At this
point, I don’t see a deal in the works. Simply put, Obama has long since
demonstrated he has no capacity for compromise. The powers in Washington are
talking past one another, not with one another and we are in a political era of
such dramatic division it is a wonder to recall that Democrats and Republicans
once actually did work together for the greater good of the nation.
What I do
not understand is why so many Americans seem so unperturbed by the increase in
the taxes they will pay despite the fact that considerable pain will set in. On
television there are man-in-the-street interviews that suggest quite a few have
no idea what the fiscal cliff is!
conservatives the only ones aware of the rising tide of ignorance about the
Let’s pull
back from national problems and look at a very big one that involves word out
of Syria that its chemical and biological warfare arsenal has been activated.
Many believe that Bashar Assad, Syria’s dictator, intends to use them against
the rebels closing in on Damascus. I am one of those who does. Recall if you
will that Iraq’s deposed dictator, Saddam Hussein, used chemical warfare
against the Kurds and during his eight-year war with Iran.
outlawed by international treaties, the question is whether nations external to
Syria will take preemptive action to stop their use or whether a strike against
them would, in fact, spread the deadly gas, Sarin, as effectively as its use?
That is a real dilemma and an outcome no nation wants. If used by Assad it
would trigger a military response that has the potential for spreading beyond

In Doha,
Qatar, the UN Conference of Parties under the umbrella of the Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change is winding down. The last such conference in June,
Rio+20, dumped “climate change” as its focus in favor of “sustainable
development” as “the world’s most urgent problem.” I would submit that one of
the world’s most urgent problems is the United Nations whose original mandate
was to ensure that there would be no more world wars or, to some degree, no
future wars anywhere.
the UN has become an international body whose purpose is to destroy national
sovereignty everywhere (including our own) and put itself in charge of seven
billion people who inhabit the planet. It strives to do this via some of the
most awful international treaties ever devised. Fortunately (or not) the
success of such treaties depends on getting enough nations to sign on and then
securing their compliance.
As usual,
the talk of the UN conference is restrictions on carbon dioxide (CO2)
emissions, but an interesting new book by a geologist, E. Kirsten Peters, “The
Whole Story of Climate: What Science Reveals About the Nature of Endless
Change”, suggests that the development of agriculture over the past 5,000 or
more years has not only produced enough food to feed the world’s population and
the livestock we love to eat, but has delayed an inevitable plunge into a new
ice age.
alarmists continue to say that 2010 and/or the U.S. summer of 2012 was “the
hottest on record” but the actual data reveals that there is only a few hundredths of a degree Fahrenheit
difference between these and previous alleged “hottest years.” In point of
fact, the 1930s were the hottest in American history.
So maybe
some more CO2 is what the world needs
to fend off the next ice age? Given that the world has been in a cooling cycle
for the past sixteen years and CO2 has risen 391 parts per billion (0.0391 %)
in the Earth’s atmosphere, humanity may dodge the bullet headed our way, at
least for a few hundred more years if we are very lucky.
Friday ushers in a weekend filled with the usual activities we enjoy and it
occurs in a nation whose leaders seem unable to resolve the greatest debt the
nation has ever had with the Democrats calling for higher taxation and the
Republicans calling for cuts to spending. We have been here before in the 1930s
during what has since been called the Great Depression.
In the
1930s totalitarian governments in Germany and Japan led to World War II. So, if
history is any guide, we have been on the brink of a big war before as well.
The weekend beckons.
© Alan
Caruba, 2012
The fiscal cliff is just an excuse for whats going to happen anyway because of Gov bad stewardship of our money. Obamawill blame it on the Repubs and visa versa. When in fact they are all responsible the have screwed Americans for years pushing their personel agendas and francky they make me sick to my stomach
Happy Pearl Harbor Day!!
Thank you Alan for your insights.
Zossen, there was and is nothing "happy" about Pearl Harbor, 1941
@Edward. Thank you. We have entered a very dangerous era.
Does anyone know where Syria got their chemical weapons? Could these be the WMDs that Saddam Hussein shipped to Syria before we invaded? Just asking.
@madeinusa: I believe the poison gas components came from Russia, but I am not sure of that. Could possibly have come from Iran as well.
Now the Russians (and the Chinese) have gotten very nervous about the use of gas and will look the other way as NATO nations mount an attack on Assad to rid themselves of the growing risks involved.
1. The Dimocrats have a permanent (BigGov-dependent) majority. Hillary in 2016.
2. Europe will go Islamic. The US will go Hispanic. Demographics and the Constitution-haters ensure it.
3. There will be a nuclear war - in the Turkey/Sri Lanka/Japan triangle.
The only good news is that neither you nor I (D.v.) will be around to see it!
'A day that will live in infamy'.
One could wish current Americans could understand that ...
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