In the
former Soviet Union, the joke was “They pretend to pay us and we pretend to
work.” It took over four decades of the Cold War to finally put an end to the
lie that Communism as an economic system works. After the Berlin Wall fell in
1989, the Soviet Union came to an end on December 25, 1991. By then Communism
worldwide had killed hundreds of millions of people.

our economy “Communist” may seem unduly harsh, but under Obama and his
predecessors, the government is in charge of the banking sector, the health and
insurance industries, General Motors was nationalized, the government is deeply
involved in mortgage lending and now controls student loans. Now stand back and
ask if the government—the State—is not now more Communist than Capitalist?
Wedded to
failed economic theories, Obama has utterly failed to turn around the economy
after the 2008 financial crisis and ensuing recession.
Writing in
the August 2012 edition of Forbes magazine, Louis Woodhill said, “If
mismanaging an economic recovery were an Olympic event, President Obama would
be standing on the middle platform right now, accept the gold medal. Deep
recessions are supposed to be followed by strong recoveries, but, under Obama,
the worst recession since the 1930s has been followed by the slowest economic
recovery in the history of the republic. In a very real sense, there has been
no recovery at all—things are still getting worse.”
still has three and a half years to make things ever more worse than they are.
A Marxist in every sense of the word, Obama is so wedded to his belief in
“redistribution” of wealth, that he spent the first term blaming his failed
economic policies in George W. Bush and blathering endlessly about
“millionaires and billionaires.” If the government confiscated all their
wealth, it would barely pay for its operation for a month, if that.
The way
most people experience a bad economy is whether they are employed or not. The
self-employed feel it in reduced income, It is always one of the best
indicators of the success or failure of whether things are improving or not.
As of July
2013, the United States has been in 54 straight months with an unemployment
rate at 7.5% or higher. As Terrence P. Jeffery, the managing editor of CNSnews,
recently noted, it is “the longest stretch of unemployment at or above that
rate since 1948, when the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) started calculating
the national unemployment rate.”
normal circumstances, Obama would have been defeated by Bozo the Clown in 2012,
but he has had the support of the mainstream media from the day he started
campaigning for the presidency. That is a powerful instrument of influence, but
there is nothing to say it will continue what Bernard Goldberg called its
“slobbering love affair” with Obama.
In June
CNSnews reporter Elizabeth Harrington noted that there is still “a near record 89
million Americans not in the labor force.” The BLS put the number at 89,705,000
in May. “9.3 million Americans have left the workforce during the presidency of
Barack Obama.” When broken down into categories, it means that Afro-Americans
saw a rise in May to 13.5% or 11,599,000. Even the employer of last resort, the
federal government, saw a decline to a mere 20,361,000. In a Communist society,
in theory everyone works for the state.
Where the
government becomes the source of all good things, it is worth noting that, as
of April, the Department of Agriculture reported that a record number of 23
million households in America are now on food stamps. There are, according to
the U.S. Census Bureau, 115,310,000 households, meaning that one in five is
receiving this government handout.
everyone knows someone who has lost their job and is searching for a new one.,
but life under Obama has been especially harsh for the newest generation coming
out of high school and college. Generation Opportunity, a non-partisan youth
advocacy organization announced its “Millennial Jobs Report” for June, specific
to 18-to-29 year olds. With the overall unemployment rate at 7.5%, for this
cohort, it is 16.1%!
It is
worth keeping in mind that a nation—any nation—with a large group of unemployed
youths, the prospects for protests and other problems are a historic fact. They
have a lot of energy and no place to apply it. They are also easily
addition to bad economic policies, the government is going all-out to impose
thousands of new regulations on all aspects of the economy and our lives.
Historian Niall Ferguson, writing in a June edition of The Wall Street Journal,
cited the Competitive Enterprise Institute’s Clyde Wayne Crews’ annual survey
of the federal regulatory state, noting that “the 2012 Federal Register—the
official directory of regulation—today runs to 78,961 pages. Back in 1986 it
was 44,812 pages. In 1936, it was just 2,620.”
This is
national death by regulation strangulation and the President recently unleashed
the Environmental Protection Agency even more by declaring “climate change” is
a top priority. The EPA is in the process of killing coal-fired plants
responsible for just under 50% of all the electricity we use. It wants to
increase the amount of ethanol in our gasoline, damaging our auto’s engines at
the same time it reduces the mileage they produce.
So, if you
think we are still functioning in a free market economy, it is as great an
illusion as was Communism in the former Soviet Union. When it was no longer defensible,
that nation collapsed and was replaced by a truncated former empire, the
Russian federation.
If the
United States should face total financial collapse, there will be no real
freedom left anywhere in the world. Just as any true Communist would want.
© Alan
Caruba, 2013
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