Try not to think about Harry Reid, Obamacare, or the nation's problems for a day. Instead, think of its great heritage of freedom and rededicate yourself to restoring it.
Alan Caruba's blog is a daily look at events, personalities, and issues from an independent point of view. Copyright, Alan Caruba, 2015. With attribution, posts may be shared. A permission request is welcome. Email acaruba@aol.com.
I'm not thinking about all those things Alan. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. At 71, I'm a grandfather again. Amazing!!
Well, that's great news! My best to the entire family.
What a blessing you are, Alan, to all of your readers. I appreciate your wisdom and fearless commentaries. I wish you and those you love a Happy Thanksgiving!
Louise in MO
have you seen this video/ very very informative
May your stuffing be tasty,
may your turkey be plump.
May your taters and gravy
have nary a lump.
May your yams be delicious,
and your pies take the prize,
And may your Thanksgiving dinner
stay off of your thighs!
Happy Thanksgiving!!
Thank you, Fred. I had a Texas-size heaping of everything and will have to forego eating for a couple of days!
I passed on your invitation earlier, but I don't join anything these days. I appreciated the invite though.
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