By Alan Caruba
Barack Obama’s deep bow to the emperor of Japan and earlier bow to the Saudi Arabian king is so deeply offensive to America’s history and traditions that it cannot and must not be explained away in any fashion.
The framers of the U.S. Constitution were particularly sensitive to the conditions under which a President could serve or any hint that a privileged, monarchal class might emerge.
“No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States. And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of Congress, accept any present, Emolument, Office or Title, of any kind whatever from any King, Prince, or foreign state.”
It follows that no U.S. President or office holder shall ever bow to a king, prince or foreign state. Obama has done this twice now in less than a year of taking the oath of office. Stated or unstated, the protocol of such matters precludes bowing.
This protocol is reflected in flag etiquette that prohibits it from being “dipped to any person or thing.”
For a man who allegedly taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago, it is doubtful that Obama does not know this. It is doubtful that he cares. His first instinct with foreign leaders and foreign nations is to toady to their perceptions in the belief that America will gain their acceptance.
Any leader, however, knows that it is wiser to be feared than loved. It is the reason the U.S. maintains a powerful military. It is well to remember that our present Department of Defense used to be known as the Department of War.
That is why Ovbama’s decision to bring the 9/11 perpetrators to the United States and accord them all the rights of the Constitution in a trial for acts of war is a further abomination. This was not Eric Holder’s decision as Attorney General. This was Barack Obama’s decision, completely in line with his continued obeisance to Middle Eastern and Muslim sensibilities.
It is in line with the recent announcement by Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano that the Obama administration will push for “immigration reform” which is a euphemism for amnesty to an estimated 14 million illegal aliens. The American public has made it abundantly clear they oppose this.
The majority of Americans oppose healthcare “reform”, a euphemism for a government takeover of one sixth of the nation’s economy and an unholy intrusion into the privileged relationship between doctor and patient. It is socialism.
All Presidents have had to make decisions and take positions that are unpopular with some element of the public. No former President, however, ever increased the national debt more than all the previous presidents combined and did so within months of taking office.
This President simply does not care what Americans want. He does not “represent” Americans and cannot even manage to salute properly when the national anthem is played, though he did stage a photo opportunity to be seen saluting the returning war dead from Afghanistan.
This President may not even be “a natural born citizen” of the United States as required by the Constitution. He may have been born in Kenya. He may have been a citizen of Indonesia as a child and young man. We have no verifiable, authentic records of his early life, even as a college student.
None of his fellow students at Columbia University ever recall knowing him. His records at Occidental College and Harvard University remain sealed from view, as is his alleged Hawaiian certificate of birth there.
Based on his actions since January 20, 2009, he is in my opinion the worst President to ever hold that high office and he may have committed “a high crime or misdemeanor” when he took the oath of office. That is an impeachable offense.
In the meantime, by his actions, he gives every evidence of trying to bring this nation to a state of economic collapse, is deliberately undermining its Constitution, and by giving enemy combatants, terrorists, the stature of U.S. citizens, is encouraging our Islamo-fascist enemies to attack again.
He is an offense to every American and we are on a roller-coaster to a major Constitutional and economic crisis every day he remains in office.
Mr. Caruba a link to dslreports on the side would be good I think instead of having to open facebook. I suppose it could be saved to favorites though. I can always use more links.
Done! Thanks for the reminder.
“A lie told often enough becomes truth” - Lenin
By the skillful and sustained use of propaganda, one can make a people see even heaven as hell or an extremely wretched life as paradise. - Hitler
Welcome to the Oligarchy States of America.
Wikipedia- An oligarchy (Greek Ὀλιγαρχία, Oligarkhía) (oligocracy) is a form of government in which power effectively rests with a small elite segment of society distinguished by royal, wealth, intellectual, family, military, or religious hegemony.
In this case I think its the Insane Oligarchy taking over America led by the hoaxer of all Hoaxers (something intended to deceive or defraud), the Obamanation.
Thanks I see it now since doing a page refresh.Next trick will be being able to comment on the site. I'll leave the article writing to you since I am not to good at those things. Trucks and rifles are what I do best.Spent a little time as one of Uncle Sam's Misguided Children a while ago.
Not sure I want a Google Account though. I'll have to ask the tech guru about that.
By the way I did save the site to bookmarks in Firefox.
I see it. Thank you Alan.
Each and every day, the Osama administration manages to hit us with a new insult to our intelligence, and a new slap in the face of freedom and democracy. Just exactly when can we expect people to wake up, get angry, and DO SOMETHING about it? I keep waiting to see some sign that the public might be waking up, but I'm just not seeing it. How far does this have to go before people wake up and take action, and more importantly, will we be able to undo the damage they're doing? I can't believe it's taking so long for the people of this great country to see what's happening and fight back. I hope that by the time they do, it isn't too late ....
While I think Obama ranks along with Bush as one of the worst presidents ever, what is wrong with giving someone a fair trial? How do we know these guys are terrorists before they've even had a trial? Hello--innocent until PROVEN guilty?
Alexandra: They are NOT U.S. citizens and were captured on the field of battle. That makes them enemy combatants who should be subject to military tribunals and the Geneva Convention.
Trying them in New York sends the wrong signal to the world in general and Muslim terrorists in particular.
Did they consider the rights of those whom they killed on 9/11?
As to who might have been or be the 'worst' President, I think George Bush would have had to murder someone on the White House lawn to equate to Carter or Osama.
Was Bush great? No, he too, spent too much money.
As to trying terrorists (please note "terrorists" not soldiers) in a civil court in New York it can't legally be done, but legality hasn't gotten in the way of Osama so far.
As terrorists they the Geneva Conventions are not available to them. The protections of the Constitution are not available to them since they are not citizens of the U.S.. They should be tried by the military, convicted on the basis of their own confessions and killed slowly. Perhaps chained inside a burning building?
Barack Obama's new theme song "He's the worst president ever"
It's only been one year people give the man seven more.
In deciding if Obama is the worst President or not depends on what people want and expect from a President. Many people don’t realize that the framers of the Constitution have limited the powers of the Federal United States to a point where in our Republic the American People are the sovereign power and the limited powers of the Federal United States body politic was to protect the American states from foreign enemies. The Presidents main job is commander and chief of the armed services. The point I am making is that people nowadays expect too much from the President. Welfare Social Security and other hand outs were never part
Of the founding fathers vision. In fact only a tax on Alcohol and Tobacco was to pay for government services. In short we must stop blaming the President because our type of government limits how much the President can legally do
In deciding if Obama is the worst President or not depends on what people want and expect from a President. Many people don’t realize that the framers of the Constitution have limited the powers of the Federal United States to a point where in our Republic the American People are the sovereign power and the limited powers of the Federal United States body politic was to protect the American states from foreign enemies. The Presidents main job is commander and chief of the armed services. The point I am making is that people nowadays expect too much from the President. Welfare Social Security and other hand outs were never part
Of the founding fathers vision. In fact only a tax on Alcohol and Tobacco was to pay for government services. In short we must stop blaming the President because our type of government limits how much the President can legally do
absolutely horrible article. a pathetically weak case and argument. You're counting him as the worst president ever because of how he bowed to foreign leaders? and you're a birther on top of that? ugh, you're really grasping at straws to find some reason to hate him because hes not a right wing nut job fascist.
You're saying hes worse than bush? a man who piled up more debt in 8 years than 40 other presidents did in the past 200 years combined? who lied to start a war sending 4000 of our guys to their deaths for nothing. who squandered the good will of world after 9-11. who set us on a path to economic disaster that will take decades to repair with tax breaks for millionaires. whose policies allowed china and India to emerge as leaders in industries we used to lead in.
when future historians look at the point when America ceased to be a world leader, they'll point directly at bush.
@Zach: I hope you feel better now that you have vented. It must be terribly loney to be the only one in the room who thinks Bush is to blame from everything. Just keep drinking that Obama Kool-Aid.
Historically, Obama will have the most negative effects on the economy as the worst President of all time. Facts will show that the fiscal policy of the Treasury Dept will cause inflation in oil and commodities. Commodities such as grains. One of the causes for the Egyptian riots were due to cause of grain prices. Ever wondered about the drought in Africa, grain prices will have effected the starving people all over the world.
Have you paid more for bread this year? Have you paid more for gas this year?
The first time in the history of the US that we were downgraded due to deficit spending by the US government. Can you blame this on Obama? Certainly! Democrats will never take the blame or accept responsibility! A 40% increase in spending in the last two years, a Democrat Congress, Its time to give this economy to Obama, accept the blame or else we'll give it to you.
To paraphrase Ronald Reagan, "Recovery starts when Obama gets a new Job" Reagan said this about Jimmy Carter. Carter is going to be replaced by Obama for being the worst President in my life time.
To this day we are still paying the price of bush and the republican’s idiotic policies.
We are still increasing the debt to pay for the Iraq war.
Still increasing the debt to pay for the war in Afghanistan.
Still increasing the debt to pay for tax cuts for the rich.
Still increasing the debt to pay for his unfunded prescription drug plan.
Still increasing the debt to cover lost revenue from 14-20 million unemployed people.
Still increasing the debt for a stimulus we had no choice but to enact due to the republican’s destruction of the economy.
Obama’s share of the debt due to HIS policies is about 1.4 trillion so far.
When bush took office the debt was 5.7 trillion. when he left office it was 10 trillion. Bush and the fiscally responsible (LOL) republicans doubled it. Where were you tea baggers whining about the debt then?
In 1990 the national average for a gallon of gas was $1.14. In 2000 it was $1.60. By 2008 gas was $4 a gallon. Almost a 400% increase under bush. Now it’s about $3.60.
Obama’s economy? Did you sleep through 2008 when the stock market and economy crashed? When millions of jobs were lost? Who was president in 2008 genius? Here’s a hint, not Obama. This is entirely bush’s economy that Obama inherited.
Sorry buddy but history has already been written and bush was the worst president EVER.
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