This open pit represents a level of incompetance that defies the imagination. It has been nine years since the Twin Towers were destroyed.
Alan Caruba's blog is a daily look at events, personalities, and issues from an independent point of view. Copyright, Alan Caruba, 2015. With attribution, posts may be shared. A permission request is welcome. Email acaruba@aol.com.
I agree. The pit is indicative of a profound incompetence and sadness in the face of such a hateful terroristic war on us. Those people and those who have continued to suffer and die for truth, justice, freedom and life deserve better.
The elites of the West have lost their nerve, no longer knowing what the West means. They seem to be waiting for Muslims to decided how and what construction needs to take place here. Very sad.
The last years have been a re-run of the 1930s appeasement and economic Depression, which I predict will end the same way the last era of appeasement and Depression ended - In a world war led by a new elite of American leaders who kick butt and take names overseas, and release the dynamo of American capitalism at home.
There are reasons why the rebuilding is taking so long.
Have any of you seen the 911 research of Dr Judy Wood?
Please check it out:
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