“I’m melting! I’m melting!” cried the Wicked Witch of the West after Dorothy threw a pail of water on her when her broom caught on fire.
I cannot seem to get this image out of my head as I watch Barack Obama’s polling numbers head south.
The August 13 numbers released by Rasmussen Reports which tracks a daily presidential approval rating reveal that 29% of the nation’s voters strongly approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President; thirty-seven percent (37%) strongly disapprove, giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -8. (Minus 8!)
If only 28% strongly approve, that means that 72%, minus the 37% who strongly disapprove, still leaves 35% who are not happy campers. A total of 72% who share varying degrees of disapproval for the President’s performance is an ugly number for Barack Obama.
By the end of July, six months into his term, a blog at Real Clear Politics noted “Barack Obama’s public approval rating has fallen faster than presidents from George W. Bush to Jimmy Carter, based on a Real Clear Politics review of historical Gallup polling.”
By October of his first and only term, the public had already figured out what a lemon Jimmy Carter turned out to be. He hit 54% by mid-September and, gee, Obama has already hit 47% by August!
You have to screw up spectacularly to do that after starting out with some of the highest popularity ratings of any new president since Eisenhower and Kennedy. Both Clinton and Bush43 actually started with approval ratings 10 points lower than Obama, but gained those points rapidly, reaching 5l% and 53% respectively within a month after their inauguration.
Every single president since Eisenhower has fared better than the boy wonder, the One, the Messiah, Barack Hussein Obama.
Why? Because he’s an idiot and because he has no plan, no program, nothing more than a bunch of Chicago-style political tactics and a lot of socialist mush between his big ears.
Worse yet he has tried to jam some horrendously expensive and bad legislation down everyone’s throats, insisting it has to be done “now” or terrible, terrible, terrible things will happen.
Well, guess what? Terrible and extremely well-deserved things are happening to President Barack H. Obama. He earned them. He lied his way into them. He cannot lie his way out of them.
Watch the Democrats in Congress jump ship. The so-called Healthcare bill has already been pared from over a thousand pages down to around 600. The Democrats want to be able to say they voted on something, but just not the something Obama wants. They are looking for cover.
For all the criticisms leveled at the Republicans for not saying much at this point, let me suggest they are doing just the right thing. Every time Obama speaks, his polling score heads south.
Here’s a prediction: Watch the Democrat candidates for Governor in New Jersey and Virginia both lose in November.
Watch for a movement within the Party to get rid of Nancy Pelosi as House Speaker and Harry Reid as Senate Majority Leader. The gods of politics demand their sacrifice!
Obama has done a wonderful job of unifying Americans. Against him!
I love your honesty Mr. Caruba! God Bless~
It's not hard to be honest when you have nothing to lose!
Both my parents were very honest and one acquires such good habits from being such people.
While there is cause for some glee in Mudville, the other side of this equation has a gloomy cast. So Pelosi/Reid go the way of the Dodo; that's appropriate. If Dear Leader becomes a Lame Duck by 2010 we would be essentially rudderless in rather stormy seas. This is not to say that we don't lack leadership now, but if his own party heads for the hills that would paint a picture of a floundering and obviously leaderless America ripe for any and all mayhem.
As Dear Leaders responses to the voice of the American people slide toward childish tantrums, our position in the world diminishes and we become more vulnerable. Get ready for three years of wandering in the desert.
A change in the control of Congress in 2010 would not leave the nation rudderless, but would put an end to Obama's plans to turn the US into a totally socialist entity. Power would shift to Congress as it did in 1994.
Yeah Alan, that 1994 shift really brought about reform and change for the good.
Here's the URL
How many things got done? We are losing a battle for our Country because we continue to think the there is a difference between the R's and the D's.
Follow the money, follow the power! Let's open our eyes to reality and begin real change for the better.
Thanks for getting my heart rate up on a smoky Saturday afternoon here in Santa Cruz.
Yeah Alan, that 1994 shift really brought about reform and change for the good.
Here's the URL
How many things got done? We are losing a battle for our Country because we continue to think the there is a difference between the R's and the D's.
Follow the money, follow the power! Let's open our eyes to reality and begin real change for the better.
Thanks for getting my heart rate up on a smoky Saturday afternoon here in Santa Cruz.
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