With a hat tip to Rasmussen Reports, here is the latest score on Obama's job performance approval/disapproval polling. I think that squigely line heading down means a lot of people disapprove.
It's not just Americans who think he is the worst President in the modern era (Jimmy Carter is so relieved that he can't stop smiling) but lots of leaders in other nations. That is, however, bad news for Americans because that kind of thing emboldens bad guys.
Whenever I see these polls- I have to wonder who the strange and silly people are who still approve.
God Bless you Mr. Caruba!
Your head line does a disservice to idiots.
A Pavlovian dog salivates, but it is not thinking.
I would say that his support rests solely with communists and morons, but even a moron knows when he is not loved.
There are a lot of people in this country, who love BHO. BHO advocates abortion, eugenics and economic slavery, targeted at the the people who love him the most.
Even a morn is not that stupid!
Carolyn: If you want a little sample of who still "believes" just go to:
Read down through the posts, especially some of the older ones, and look for a guy who's been commenting "anonymously" for weeks there. There's even one entry in this blog that's a compilation of some of his more outrageous statements. He's one of your "believers". A hard core anti-American, way left, Bush hating, Obama loving example of who's still saying "yes" to what Obama is trying to do to us. Try as you may, you just can't reason with him, and it horrifies me to think that there are millions like him in this country ...
Hi Guy- I have heard of the "coffee party", and although I do think it's healthy to know one's enemies- I don't think I need to waste time on their site. I can imagine it's much the same as a lot of other hypicritical and hateful drivel as I've seen elsewhere. I do know the types who still fall on the altar of the one. Thanks though for the link though Guy. I have a blogger friend doing articles on that group. It horrifies me too that there are so many America haters in this country. Not surprising, but scary non the less.
Actually, the blog I linked to is a very conservative one, in no way affiliated with the coffee party. It's been around quite a while, and I think you'd enjoy it. I know I do. It's in the comment sections that you will see what I am talking about. There's a guy, who always comments as "anonymous" who is so far left, it boggles the mind. He posts there almost every day, in response to whatever the story of the day might be, and he's always as rude and confrontational as he can be. He's the poster child for the ones who still have the Obama hysteria coursing through their blood. It amazes me that anyone can actually believe what he does, but he does, and you're right, it pays to know your enemy....
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