Here's an item from one of my favorite blogs, Stormbringer.
This post by Nathan Hodge showed up on Wired.com - February 25, 2010
During yesterday’s Senate hearing on government oversight of security contractors, an interesting tidbit emerged. In his prepared testimony, Fred Roitz, executive vice president of contracts and chief sales officer for Xe (a.k.a. Blackwater), disclosed that his company, through its subsidiary Presidential Airways, evacuated a congressman from Niger during a recent military coup.
Turns out it was none other than Rep. Alan Grayson, the Florida Democrat who has made his reputation by going after military contractors. Irony alert! Grayson spokesman Todd Jurkowski confirmed that Grayson was spirited out of the country on a Xe helicopter, and offered this statement to Schulman: “The flight was arranged through the State Department...The congressman did not know, and frankly did not care, who owned the plane.”
How's that for gratitude? Isn't that the way it always is? You're a thug, a mercenary, a baby killer; to be spat on, hauled before Congress and grilled, then told to turn around and march to the sound of the guns all over again. But when they need you to save their sorry ass; you're the best thing they've seen since their wedding night - S.L.
Blackwater, aka: Xe, had some serious *wildcards* in the mix...
But if your ass is in a bad place, if you need the very best in protection, and if you can find them, you can hire the *A* Team...
Uh, wait, I meant the Xe Team...
It is not the Congressman's fault that the government was short on troupes to rescue him. The military is being replaced by these mercenaries...unaccountable to anyone but their boss, Eric Prince. Obama inherited the largest mercenary force on the planet from Bush...how can this be good?
You do know that Eric Prince is planning to move out of the US to avoid criminal prosecution in the US, don't you?
At least when the military does something illegal, the government has some recourse.
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